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大侠行天下日记 我见我闻我思 05/19

大侠行天下日记  我见我闻我思 05/19

我见 我思 我闻




孟昭文议员表示,我们亚裔社区已经无法继续忍受那些日愈增长的偏见和种族歧视之攻击, 我们更无法生活在恐惧之中,在此通过之法案中要求司法部所属执法机关要尽快受理歧视报案,并增加经费设立政府之报案专缐及训练地方警察,推动公共教育来防范对亚裔之歧视行為。




We Praise The Anti-Asian Hate Crime Bill

The U.S. House of Representatives passed a bill to aggressively investigate hate crimes, especially in the Asian community that have increased during the coronavirus pandemic.

The vote was 364 to 62. All the votes against the bill were from the Republican Party.

The bill was sponsored by Congresswoman Grace Meng and Hawaii Senator Marie Hirono. At a news conference Ms. Meng said, “The Asian American community is exhausted from being forced to endure this rise in bigotry and racist attacks. We are tired of living in fear.”

This bill would establish a position at the Justice Department to expedite the agency’s review of hate crimes and expand the channels to report them. It would also encourage the creation of state-run hate crime hotlines, provide grant money to law enforcement agencies and train their officers to identify hate crimes, and introduce a series of public education campaigns around bias against people of Asian descent. 

President Biden said this bill puts our nation one step closer to achieving justice and equality.

We are so glad and really appreciate this action. It is the first time the U.S. Congress has passed a bill to address this problem in our community.

This bill also recognizes that this is a country of immigrants.

Many Asian immigrants came to this land looking for opportunity. They devoted their whole lives to being good citizens. Asian-Americans are some of the top contributors in many fields.

Today all of us need to be united to overcome the challenges that face our nation.