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大侠行天下日记 我见我闻我思 07/21

大侠行天下日记 我见我闻我思 07/21




上月参院两党曾经同意以五兆七千九百万做為修建国家之公路 桥樑 机场 水和电等的预算但是对此始终无法达成共识其中包括如何支付此项预算

民主党主政至今已过半年拜登政府在各项政策都受到了共和党的强大压力 内政外交上诸多挫折疫情虽然得到控制但新的变种病毒仍然形成威胁

如今的参议院 民主共和各五十个均分席次 眾议院民主党也未佔绝大多数 因此拜登上任后在国会这场仗打得非常辛苦 明年期中选举也已為时不远 如果在大选中失利 民主党会立即进入跛脚政府 所有法案必将无法在国会中通过 立即影响政府施政

今天美国面临之困境除了陈旧之基础设施之外 外交军事也同时受到挑战 如果国会还在不断恶斗非人民之福也

We Need To Pass The Infrastructure Bill

In the U.S. Senate, the majority leader Chuck Schumer has set up a test vote for the new infrastructure bill, but Republican leaders are threatening to block that vote unless negotiators writing the bill can strike a deal.

In the last month the White House and Republicans agreed to spend $579 billion to build roads, bridges, power, broadband and infrastructure projects. But lawmakers have squabbled over how to pay for it.

We all know that our national infrastructure is long overdue. Our airports, highways, bridges and water systems are not functioning well.

The Biden administration really needs to pass the bill as soon as possible. Because the midterm elections will be held next year, if the Republicans regain power in Congress, President Biden will face more challenges and the bill will be even more difficult to pass.

Today even with the pandemic being under control, the new virus is still attacking our community.

We need to all need to be united to fight this evil and our save our country.