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美南广场 / 董事长介绍

大侠行天下日记 我见我闻我思 07/23

大侠行天下日记 我见我闻我思 07/23



当新的变种病毒再次出现 白宫和卫健官员正在积极讨论是否要求全国国民重新戴上口罩 不戴口罩的建议是国家疾管中心的建议 但是这个情况目前正在改变中

最近的三角洲变形病毒感染百分之八十的病患 而这些染上的人大多没有接种疫苗

是否强制戴口罩在美国已经变成了一个政治议题 许多共和党执政的州和市大多反对白宫和疾管中心的建议 他们认為这牵涉到个人之稳私和自由 白宫方面也在衡量如何拿揑这项戴口罩之行动

我们要提醒华府政客及地方行政官员 科学証明疫苗可以防止病毒是千真万确之事实 试想如果今天我们没有疫苗 美国会变成什麼样 还不知道还有多少人死於疫情

我们更要向那些不愿打疫苗的人表示严重的抗议和不满 今天你们染上病毒会传染给那些无法接种的孩童 他们是无辜的

是否要打疫苗 絶不是个政治问题而是科学认证的事实 全世界还有绝大部分之国家根本拿不到疫苗 而我们可以随时可得 而不去珍惜 怪哉!

Wearing Of Masks Becomes A Political Issue

The White House and top health officials are holding a meeting to discuss the revising of mask recommendations for vaccinated Americans as the Delta variant spreads throughout the nation.

Officials want to weigh whether the guidance should be revisited after the CDC dropped the mask mandate for vaccinated individuals earlier this year. The White House had said they would follow CDC recommendations, but now that the Delta variant makes up over 80% of cases in the U.S., officials have to weigh whether vaccinated people should begin wearing masks again indoors.

State and local health officials were mixed on whether they wanted an additional mandate recommendation from the federal government. Some Republican state officials said their states were unlikely to follow any sort of new masking guidance regardless of an increase in cases.

It is very regretful that the masking is becoming a political issue. We really don’t understand why many people don’t believe in getting vaccinated. It is good for them and most importantly, it is good for others.

Today we still have so many young people that have not been vaccinated. They are in danger and we have to seriously consider them.

Most of the countries around the world don’t have enough vaccine, or they don’t have any at all, but in America everybody can get vaccinated.

Let’s face the scientific method, not just the political issue.