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大侠行天下日记 我见我闻我思 07/29

大侠行天下日记 我见我闻我思 07/29

我见 我思 我闻

賑灾河南 同舟共济

今晨参加了在休斯敦中国人活动中心的河南水灾賑灾新闻发佈会 华人社会人士共聚一堂 大家要為家郷父老们尽一份心力 对於河南郑州等地之严重灾情 表示无比的关怀。

自从去年二月新冠病毒肆虐以来全球各地遭受严重之灾情 我们旅居美国的华裔社区 也面临前所未有之挑战 虽然个月前白宫宣布了不必戴口罩 但是昨天又要大家在室内重新戴上口罩因為新一波之变种病毒已经捲土重来

近半世纪来我们从家鄕来到美洲大陆 在每一个人生奋斗之旅程中在此落叶生根 但是我们从未忘记自己的根

在杨德清彭梅 杨保华 李雄 俞斌等的筹组下,今晨的新闻发布会呼吁大家共同為河南灾情发挥爱心

我们面临目前严峻的社会但是我们一定要团结起来 我们是乘坐在同一条船上 唯有大家守望相助 互助合作 才能在社会上立於不败之地

We All Need To Help The Victims Of The Henan Flood

I was recently with a group of community leaders at the Houston Chinese Civic Center to host a news conference for the Henan flood.

This is the first conference we have had since COVID-19 attacked Texas. In the last eighteen months our community really has been suffering. Many businesses have closed down and many have lost their lifetime of savings. Up until today many are trying to survive and continue with their livelihoods.

In China's Henan province, many people lost their lives because of the heaviest rains in over a century.

Last Tuesday storms dropped the equivalent of one year’s worth of water on the city in a 72-hour period. Before moving northward, the rains displaced more than one million people and left 63 people dead. Thirteen people also drowned in a rain-filled Zhengzhou subway route.

Today the Chinese American community in Texas is working on helping their hometown to show their real concern for the people who are suffering at Henan area.

We know all of us came to this great land looking for a better life. This now is also our home, but we will not forget our far away homeland, the place where most of us were born. All of us need to be united to help each other. Even in this difficult period of time, many people still should open their checkbooks.

We want to sent our deepest condolences to all those families who have lost their loved ones.