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大侠行天下日记 我见我闻我思 08/02

大侠行天下日记  我见我闻我思 08/02

我见 我思 我闻



新冠病毒打乱了世界,也打乱了我们社区的経济和生活。 首先,我必须感激美南传媒集团所有的工作伙伴冒着疫情之巨大威胁,继续站在工作岗位之最前缐,无论是印报工厂的同仁,在电视摄影棚的编导伙伴,每天派报纸到社区大街小巷的工作伙伴, 站在话筒前的记者,我们从疫情爆发的第一天到十四个月后的今天二O二一年八月三日从来没有退缩过, 天天凖时出报,天天二十四小时播出电视节目,天天上传美南新闻网站。

疫情期间 ,我每天清晨照例前往印报工厂查看第一份油墨未乾的《美南日报》,打开二十四小时不中断的美南电视台, 看到一则则跳跃在美南新闻网站的记者发稿 ,我的心在震动, 我经常自己擦乾泪水,告诉自己一定要坚强下去, 读者观眾需要我们, 这是我们肩负着的社会责任和使命。

今天 ,我再次走过美南新闻广场,同仁们已经把一年来枯萎了的花圃重新整理,清洗和油漆了大门口喷水池和耸立的美南新闻红色环球标誌,百利大道上的巨幅LED 重现光芒, 美南传媒大楼全楼刷上新漆,美南国际贸易中心各国旗帜迎风飘扬,它代表了我们一股坚忍不拔的毅力 重新步上征途。


今天我们已经走过了四十二个寒暑,我们和社区成长已经牢不可分,不论未来有如何大的挑战, 我们将和各位共存亡,这是一项歷史的使命, 也是我们对大家的承诺。

再次触摸大楼的砖瓦,广场上迎风飘扬的旗帜,喷水池中绽放的五彩水柱, 屏幕上播出的最新时事消息,我们一定会勇往直前再写传媒史上的新篇章。

We Are Going To Rewrite History

The coronavirus pandemic attacked the world as well as our community. Many people have passed away and many businesses have shut down. So many tragedies are still affecting our community.

We have to really appreciate all our colleagues in the different cities. In such a difficult time they are still working in the press room, TV studio and in front of the camera. Because of their sacrifice, we are able to print our newspaper every day and broadcast our TV programs 7 days a week, 24 hours a day.

In the last fourteen months we have never missed a day of operation. This is a real miracle and we are so proud of you all my working partners.

Almost every day I arrive at my office in the morning. I pick up a fresh copy of the Southern Daily newspaper and still smell the fresh ink. I open the TV channel and the scdaily.com website. My heart starts beating. It has been my daily work routine for the last 42 years.

Today it is a sunny day in Houston, Texas. I walked through the compound and I touched the wall of the building. I saw the colorful foundation and bright LED sign. I felt that we have been reborn again after the pandemic.

Thousands of our readers and viewers have called us in the last several months saying they are very worried and concerned about our future and for our survival.

Today I will let all of you know we are going to continue to fight for our future and we will never give up because of all of you.

I am so glad many flags fly in the blue sky in front of the International Trade Center and the sun shines on the fresh new paint of the Southern Media Center building. We are so proud. We are rewriting the history of international media.