大侠行天下日记 我见我闻我思 08/03
我见 我思 我闻
疫情之后 重返华府
这已经是三十多年前的往事了,当我和弟弟着华初次走在华盛顿特区的中国城,对於那栋高挑状观的中国城牌楼,印象深刻, 生活和在此的华人同胞非常勤奋地把华埠経营的有声有色,当年在华埠一言九鼎的李叔在中华公所接待我们,对於这对年轻李氏兄弟之到来,寄予厚望和几分怀疑,要在首都办一份华文社区报有点天方夜谭。
人生的际遇有时难予预测,有时我也会想是否应该在世界政治首善之区游走,在人生旅途再添有意义的篇章, 多年来, 我们立足於传媒工作,看尽了政坛上的风云变化, 仰天长嘆, 為歷史留下注脚,也不枉费此生了。
I Am Back In The Nation’s Capital
Today a United Air airliner brought me back to Washington, DC, the nation’s capital. This is the first time I have come back to DC since the coronavirus pandemic began.
Almost thirty years ago when my brother Dan and I walked through the DC Chinatown, we remembered Uncle Lee who was the one who greeted us at the Chung Wah Association. He was not just a pioneer in Chinatown. His leadership brought many dedicated Chinese Americans to town. They all worked so hard to make Chinatown a great tourist spot in the nation’s capital. The beautiful and colorful Chinatown Gate and under it a lot of businesses and many tourists taking photos and shopping and dining. Uncle Lee passed away years ago but his friendly smile is always in our hearts.
Today when I visited Chinatown again, all the streets have been changed to a big sports complex and new shops, but the gate is still shining and bright.
I am back in DC to visit the Guinea Ambassador Yansane. He will go back to Africa soon and talk about our trade mission.
I love being in Washington DC, the power capital of the world. Maybe I should spend more time here and continue to pursue my dream.
The world is changing and so do the politics. We are so fortunate to be a media person. We can witness so many politicians who travel up and down in their careers.