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美南广场 / 董事长介绍

大侠行天下日记 我见我闻我思 08/05

大侠行天下日记 我见我闻我思 08/05

我见 我思 我闻



目前在华府「避难」的州议员雷诺也参加了这项游行示威 他们是在反对德州州长艾伯特召开的临时议会中进行表决 但民主党五十一位议员目前出走到华府 因為没有达到出席人数 而无法共和党得逞

今天我和刚保释出狱的格林议员见面 谈到这项投票法案今后对选举之影响

多年前 我们西南区选出的格林议员已经提案通过在大休斯敦地区每次的选票上必须註有英文 西班牙文 中文和越南文 这也是歷史上的一个创举 对我们华人社区而言 也是破天荒的一件事这项多语言选票确实是使新移民增加了选举之便利

我们今天要呼吁华亚裔社区 睁大眼睛来看待共和党对於改变德州投票方式之意图 他们的目的就是不要新移民目前能享受投票方式 来满足政客们需求 因為多半的新移民都是投给民主党

大家必须认识到选票对我们争取参政的重要性 你们可以不管是否公平公正 但政府政策是在主导我们的未来

Texas Lawmakers Arrested In DC Again

Congressman Al Green and State Representative Ron Reynolds were both arrested Tuesday in the U.S. capital while demonstrating for federal voting legislation.

The lawmakers were in the rally organized by civil rights activists Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton.

Congressman Green said he and his colleagues moved to the street after praying in front of the Supreme Court when they were approached by police. The lawmakers were arrested on charges of “crowding, obstructing, or incommoding.” 

Texas State Representative Reynolds of Missouri City has been out of Texas for more than three weeks. He and his colleagues are trying to lobby their federal counterparts to pass voting rights legislation like the For The People Act which they believe preempts the proposed voting restriction back home. Still Governor Abbott has vowed to call a special session until the Texas bill is passed.

We are here to support our brother Al Green in DC and to fight for our future. We also want to appreciate Congressman Green for sponsoring the multi-language voting ballot in Harris County so that new immigrants can vote in their own language.

We need to realize that if we do not protect our voting rights, who will care for us in the political future?

As people say, our Congressman Green gets into good trouble that is necessary. And it is needed trouble that will help redeem the soul of America.