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美南广场 / 董事长介绍

大侠行天下日记 我见我闻我思 08/06

大侠行天下日记 我见我闻我思 08/06



休斯敦市长特纳和哈里斯郡郡长哈达.果同时宣布从今天开始大休斯敦地区将进入红色警戒 呼吁全市市民加强对疫情之管制和防范工作 并建议市民留在家中 如果在工作场所必须要打过疫苗

郡长哈达果在记者会上非常强烈要求居民一定要立即接种疫苗 他劝告大家这是科学上的根据无关於政党倾向

休斯敦浸信会医院主任护士泰勒表示 送到医院来的重症患者百分之九十八大部分都未接种疫苗 这是害人而不利己的行為

目前在全市的医院正有不断增加的病患 而在全美各地 德州和佛罗里达州是情形最的两大州

我们要再次大声疾呼那些还没有接种疫苗的人 是无知或是对自己生命开玩笑 过去十九个月的疫情还不够惨吗 光是美国就已经有六十六万人死於新冠病毒 这是多麼可怕的数字

美国全国為何造成如此难予控制之场面 主要原因还是中央和地方不同道 许多共和党当政的州大部分不愿配合中央疫情单位之指挥 他们不愿强制人民戴囗罩 他们觉得是件碍自由的行為

我们对大休斯敦再次宣佈进入红色警戒表示支持 人命关天 那些不愿注射的人 希望他们三思 要為他们家人 朋友及市民着想 你们就别太自私了吧

We Are Entering The RED Level Again

Mayor Turner and Harris County Judge Lina Hidalgo raised the COVID-19 threat level to RED Thursday afternoon as the Delta variant has increased hospitalizations over the past month.

Hidalgo said, “It’s straining our staff, it’s straining our hospitals and it’s imposing heartbreak and anxiety into so many families in Harris County.”

She urged everyone eligible for the vaccine to go and be vaccinated. She also recommended that all people should put on masks no matter whether you already have been vaccinated or not.

Harris County Sheriff’s Deputy Shaun Waters died after contracting COVID-19 on Sunday. This is the fifth Sheriff’s office employee to die after contracting the virus.

This is so very sad. A lot of people still don’t want to be vaccinated. They are really putting themselves and many other people’s lives in danger. We really need to learn from this tragedy. More than six hundred and sixty thousand people in the U.S. have lost their lives to the COVID-19 and the damage to our economy and communities has been so great.

The COVID-19 pandemic has now caused a political crisis in our state. The Texas governor and local authorities have completely different views on how to control the virus. On Tuesday, Houston Mayor Sylvester Turner directed all city employees to wear masks inside city buildings despite Governor Abbott’s executive order to the contrary.