大侠行天下日记 我见我闻我思 08/14

在我居住的帕多马克市,是华盛顿地区最富有的区域之一, 这𥚃的居民不是富则贵的社区, 房价至少在百万以上, 佔地平均是二英亩 ,大部分的豪宅是传代的老钱 ,包括甘廼迪及洛克菲勒大家族在内。
华府地区有四多, 政客多, 律师多 ,外交官多, 智厙多, 由于各国政府对美国之重视, 都选派最优秀的大使来到华府, 这些外交官多半也是当政者之亲信, 在这个美国首都每天上演着不同的政治戏码。
今天来到宾西法尼亚大道上华府着名的哈逊研究中心拜访, 该中心是硏究和推展美国未来在国防、 外交、 经济 、文化、 卫生及法律之发展 ,目前已经有许多川普时代的高官在该中心参与研究工作, 他们也欢迎年轻学子参加工作, 并且定期举办各种硏讨学术活动 ,也更是為美国培养政治领袖人物之摇栏。
由於世界局势之动盪不安, 在华府来洽公谈判的外交代表也因而增多, 这些智厙也是他们必来取経之地。当政党轮替之时 ,下台的高官经过一道旋转门 ,他们可以出书,加入智厙及出任大公司董事职务而致富。
华府这个充满活力集会派对的政治中心 ,是许多人的最爱 ,它决不会令你寂寞,永远的派对在等待着你去参加, 多少政治风云变化及官㘯上的起落时刻在上演中。
我喜欢华府的生活方式和氛围, 这裡的大环境充满了希望, 他们的决定影响着亿万人的命运。
From The Nation’s Capital
My sister’s house is located in Potomac near the DC area. In this small town there are many mansions with an average of two acres of land on each property. Many houses are surrounded by large trees and gardens. There are many old money families in the town such as the Rockefeller and Kennedy families. Many politicians and billionaires also live there.
In the nation’s capital there are four kinds of people: one are the politicians; of course, this is the political center of the world; another kind of people are lawyers. There are so many big law firms in the DC area. There are also the power brokers and deal makers. We also have many diplomats stationed in DC. They are representing their countries in America. Most of them are considered the best ambassadors representing their nations. When we walk on the street we also see many think tank institutes in the building. They have become one of the best places to hire the retired high-ranking government officials.
I had a chance to visit the Hudson Institute yesterday which was founded in 1961 by the strategist, Herman Kahn. The Hudson Institute challenges conventional thinking and helps manage strategic transitions to the future through interdisciplinary studies in defense, international relations, economics, healthcare, technology, culture and law. They sponsor a vigorous program of publications, conferences, policy briefings and recommendations.
Many colorful and political events are going every day in this exciting city. People love parties. They make their deals at the cocktail parties and feel they can talk freely and more relaxed to express their views. Many of the deals could be made in the hotels and restaurants and not in an office.
We are so fortunate to become a part of the action in this city. As a media person we witness a lot of politicians going up and down and coming and going. Many of them become world leaders and they will need to guide our nation and also the world.