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美南广场 / 董事长介绍

大侠行天下日记 我见我闻我思 08/18

大侠行天下日记 我见我闻我思 08/18

我见 我思 我闻


艾伯特州长办公室週二发佈消息他已被确诊感染新冠病毒 目前在官邸隔离治疗之中 这位共和党籍的州长曾经接种过疫苗 但是还是感染上了 他目前况状良好 并没有任何严重的症况 她的夫人及週边人员目前都呈阴性

据透露 州长週一参加过共和党室内集会 多半人都未戴口罩 他的感染 将会引发另㘯政治攻防战

今天三月份州长下令解除囗罩令并颁佈全州百分之百商业可以全面开放 他说 州内的小商业在挣扎中无法生存他也反对强制学生们戴上囗罩

由於疫情之急转直下 德州目前变成重灾区之一 根据最新数据 目前德州已有一万一千七百九十一名确诊人住院 但是我们只有三百二十七张紧急病床。

本週开始 全州中小学校全面恢復回校上课 许多校区都规定要学生们戴口罩 但是 州长确持不同看法 他坚持个人及企业不需要政府告诉他们如何管理和经营

我们相信目前在美国仍然无法防范疫情 主要是中央和地方 民主和共和政党都不同调 连州长都染上了 我们也只有自求多福了

Texas Governor Tests Positive For COVID-19

A statement from Texas Governor Greg Abbott’s office said that Abbott has tested positive for COVID-19 even though he is fully vaccinated against the virus.

He is now currently isolated in the governor’s mansion and is receiving Regeneron’s monoclonal antibody treatment. First Lady Cecilia Abbott has tested negative.

Abbott attended the Republican Party club party on Monday where most of the people didn’t wear a mask. Abbott has opposed mask mandates and has issued an executive order banning school districts from requiring masks. He lifted the state mask mandate in March and allowed businesses to open at 100% capacity. He said that too many Texans have been sidelined from employment opportunities and too many small business owners have struggled to pay their bills.

But now the state is surging with new COVID-19 cases. There are now 11,791 confirmed patients in hospitals throughout the state and Texas now has the most pediatric COVID cases in the nation.

Starting this week all of the schools are open for the kids. We really worry about their health issues. Most of them are not vaccinated, so how can we protect them?

It is very sad to say that today in America we have so many different opinions. It is difficult to be united to fight against the virus from the federal to the local level and from the Republican and Democrats, the political fight never ends.

As ordinary citizens, we just need to take care of ourselves.