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美南广场 / 董事长介绍

大侠行天下日记 我见我闻我思 08/24

大侠行天下日记 我见我闻我思 08/24

我见 我思 我闻


过去一週来 阿富汗局势之急转直下 使得拜登政府焦头烂额,加上共和及民主两党对於政府处理撒军之不满 致使拜登声望下降

在外交上七国高峯之缐上会议即将在今天举行 美国之盟国表明希望美国延长在阿富汗驻军 以确保盟军及其国民能安全撤离

拜登总统目前尚未公开表示意见 早先他仍然坚持八月三十一日前要全数撤离 美军厾机过去一天二十四小时的二十八航次撤走了一万零四百人目前仍然有成千上万的群眾等待逃出阿富汗

尽管美国正在加速撒离行动 但是盟邦仍然对拜登政府错估塔力班之情势表示不满 塔力班坚持八月底是最后之期限

拜登政府已经正式任命前驻北约大使伯恩斯為驻中国大使 这位资深外交官要在目前中美两国关係陷入谷底之时出任大使是件非常艰鉅的任务 他在声明中表示很高兴代表总统和美国人民就美国和中国之间的战略竞争以及在这个关键时刻面对的其他复杂挑战开展工作

我们目前已经处在一个非常关键的时刻 美国及世界疫情尚未能抑制 阿富汗及台海问题再次升高紧张情势 世界领袖无法撑握情势 误判世局 将使人类面临一场浩劫

Biden White House Is Facing A Nightmare

G7 leaders are pressuring President Biden to extend the deadline for U.S. troops to withdraw from Afghanistan which has caused anger and anxiety in many countries.

Biden himself has not publicly committed to such a move. Many American allies worry that they don’t have enough time to get their citizens and the Afghans who assisted in the war out of the country. An official said that on Monday approximately 10,400 people had been evacuated from Kabul on 28 separate U.S. military flights.

Biden indicated that the White House is in discussions to remain in Kabul longer, but his goal still is to have troops out of Kabul by August 31. The Taliban signaled that they wanted U.S. troops out of the country by the end of this month.

According to a reliable source, the president of France Macron told Biden that we have a moral responsibility with regard to Afghans who need protection and have shared their values.

President Biden has also nominated Nicholas Burns as Ambassador to China. Mr. Burns will face a very big challenge as the China and U.S. relationship has deteriorated. In a statement, Burns said that he welcomes this opportunity to work on the behalf of the president and the American people on the strategic competition between the U.S. and the P.R.C., as well as other difficult and complex challenges we face together at this critical juncture in our relationship.

We are so worried about the chaos in Afghanistan and the growing tensions in the Taiwan Strait. We all hope the world leaders will use their wisdom to avoid going to war.