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大侠行天下日记 我见我闻我思 08/25

大侠行天下日记 我见我闻我思 08/25

我见 我闻 我思


美国食品及药物管理局週二正式全面批准辉瑞疫苗全面上市 此举被称為公共卫生的巨大成就

食品药物管理局在声明中宣布 这项批准代表了辉瑞疫苗过去八个月来顕示的安全性及有效性 该局曾於二OO年十二月紧急批准了辉瑞疫苗之使用 经过多月来的验証 审查才确定辉瑞疫苗可以全面性的施打

医疗专家对於十二岁以下的孩童仍然不主张施打辉瑞疫苗 因為还未取得可靠之数字和试验 这也是目前我们面临之重大挑战美国儿童医疗协会也呼吁不要给十二岁以下儿童注射

由于辉瑞之正式批准 将促使更多人有信心注射疫苗 主要是过去之注射経验证明 其有效和安性是可以接受的

拜登总统及其医疗顾问福其博士对於辉瑞之批准 表示十分有信心 会有更多的国人愿意施打

随着全国中小学全面开学 孩童们的健康面临巨大考验 是否要强制戴口罩也成為了政治话题

不过拜登政府已经下定决心 一定要求公务机关强制施打疫苗和戴口罩 如果疫情还未得到有效控制 这是拜登政府之巨大压力和挑战

FDA Gives Pfizer Vaccine Full Approval

The Food and Drug Administration gave full approval to the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine and claimed it is a key achievement for public health.

The approval means the public can be very confident that this vaccine meets the high standards for safety, effectiveness and quality. Back in December 2020, the FDA allowed the Pfizer vaccine to be used under an emergency use authorization.

The final approval also means that the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine gets a brand name and will be marketed as Comirnaty. The FDA still does not recommend that children under the age of 12 get the Pfizer vaccine.

Now all the schools are open and all the kids have gone back to school. Without vaccinations, this is the biggest challenge for the schools. The American Academy of Pediatrics also warned doctors not to give the vaccine to children under the age of 12 until the FDA gives its approval.

The Biden administration also faces the question right now of whether having the full approval makes a difference in terms of legal authority to issue a vaccination requirement.

Today even the school kids need to wear masks to not become a political issue.

We urge all adults to be vaccinated as soon as possible. Our community needs the protection to recover and return to a normal life.

The Pfizer vaccine’s full approval from the FDA should give many reasons to those people who still refuse to be vaccinated to reconsider their thinking.