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美南广场 / 董事长介绍

大侠行天下日记 我见我闻我思 08/27

大侠行天下日记 我见我闻我思 08/27



德州西部盛產石油的小镇-埃伦因严重的新冠疫情整个小镇已经瘫痪 学校关闭 市政府停止服务 在一百一十九个诊断中 就有五十人是确诊 无望的一名妇女正坐在汽车裡透过脸书向上帝祈祷和求助

这个人口只有一千二百人的石油小镇 大家几乎都相互认识 同时都感受到新冠病毒在镇民之间传染 由於缺乏紧急病床 严重的患者必须用直升机送到一百英里外的圣安娇市医治 镇民们目前可以做的是透过脸书相互激励和支持 他们之间不断在吶喊 我们要活下去

埃伦市议会已经决定暂时缓收镇民的水电和垃圾费 由於多数都在家中避难 小镇顕得异常淸静

一位大家熟悉的友人森米因敌不过病毒而撤手人间 他的葬礼将在小镇的足球场上举行 他的夫人在脸书上说 谢谢各位的代祷 森米已经和上帝见面了

我们看到这个德州小镇之悽凉景象 想起有多少人还在疫情线上挣扎

今天我们在面对如此艰难的挑战 有大部分要归罪於执政者之傲慢和对科学验证之不信任

老实说 居住在德州边陲大小城镇的居民 他们仍然不相信打疫苗是唯一之防疫办法 这些悲剧还不断上演 而且是在每个人都立即可以打疫苗的美国 我们真无法理解

Sad Story From A Small Texas Town

In the last two weeks in the small west Texas oil town of Iraan, population 1,200, 119 people were tested for the COVID-19 virus and 50 tested positive. That is a 42% positive rate.

In Iraan one of the residents, Vicky Zapata went live on Facebook to ask people to pray for them to heal the town. She doesn’t know how the outbreak in her town started. Some of the patients needed to be flown to a nearby city for treatment. According to the latest information, there are now only 372 ICU beds available in the entire state of Texas.

Last week the school district shut down the school and the beloved football season was postponed. The City Council members also decided to close the city buildings to all residents and voted to postpone all late fees on water and gas utilities bills to help out the local residents.

This is very sad that in a lot of small towns the situation is getting worse because some of the residents do not believe in getting vaccinated against the virus.

With many people in quarantine, the small town is quieter than normal. The people are now mourning the loss of one of their friends, Sammy, in a service at the football stadium. He passed away five days after an ICU bed was not available for him.

The Biden administration is now facing a big challenge. In this pandemic war, a lot of people just won’t follow CDC instructions and guidelines because they want their own freedom. But in reality, their thinking will affect their family and their neighbors.

Whatever will come in the future, all of our citizens need to face this difficult time together. Unless we help each other, we never will see the light at the end of the tunnel.