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美南广场 / 董事长介绍

大侠行天下日记 我见我闻我思 09/06

大侠行天下日记  我见我闻我思 09/06



上週的埃达颶风経过墨西哥湾后直扑美东各州, 包括纽约州市都遭到重大打击, 将近六千万人在酷热的天气中受困受苦, 拜登总统亲临视访, 联邦政府之紧急救援, 然而灾区重建需要时日才能回到正常生活。

在此同时 由共和党控制的德州议会同时通过禁止六个星期内堕胎法案 最高法院对此案没有採取任何紧急行动, 因此在德州此法律已经生效, 反对人士认為,至少有百分之八十五以上的堕胎者会受到影响。 因為她们多半无法在六星期内察觉是否怀孕, 在此同时, 徳州议会也通过了流浪汉和无家可归者不能在街头或桥下随地搭蓬而居, 违者将被拘留和罚款, 拜登总统表示 他对德州通过的法律将反对到底 决心维护妇女堕胎之权利。

这一週来 一连发生的天灾和严厉之法律规章, 将会不断增加下层社会之困苦, 但是从社会治安之角度而言, 流浪汉在市内造成之问题也日愈悪化 也导致犯罪率之大增。

居於人道之立场政府应拿出更多之措施, 帮助他们就业或安置在统一之地方, 而不是置之不理 何况联邦政府对地方及市政府都有不同之补助 我们要為这些贫困大眾带来更多的关怀。

IDA Was One Of The Worst Flooding Catastrophes In The Northeast

Up until last week, IDA’s March through the northeast as a tropical storm claimed at least 51 lives in states including New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Maryland and Connecticut.

Since IDA made landfall as a Category 4 hurricane, the storm was responsible for a total of 60 deaths.

The governor of New Jersey said, “We are not out of the woods yet. We are going to clean up and we are going to stay together, maybe for a long time.”

In Texas, Governor Abbott signed into law last Wednesday a measure that would prohibit abortions in Texas as early as six weeks --before some women even know they are pregnant, This bill also opens a new frontier in the battle over abortion restriction. Abortion rights groups have promised to challenge the new law.

Abbott also signed a new law that bans homeless encampment on public property in Texas. The law makes it illegal to set up a shelter or store belongings for an extended period of time. The offense is a Class C misdemeanor and punishable by a fine of up to $500 dollars.

With the hurricane and the abortion law and the homeless encampment law being passed in Texas, it makes for a more difficult life for a lot poor citizens. 

We all agree on clearing the mess on the city streets, but in the meantime, the government has a responsibility to help the homeless find jobs and give them shelters in which to live.

Today we are facing so many challenges in our nation. We need to help each other to overcome so many difficulties, especially in this time of disaster.