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美南广场 / 董事长介绍

大侠行天下日记 我见我闻我思 09/08

大侠行天下日记 我见我闻我思 09/08

我见 我思 我闻


从本週末开始 ,休斯敦国际区将近五十条街道开始换上新的浅蓝色路牌, 看来十分美观大方 ,让国际区增添许多色彩。

十多年来 ,我每天穿过国际区的大小街道时 ,心𥚃充满着太多的情感 ,国际区之成立 ,先后经过许多社区和政界人士的努力, 并得到德州议会之批准 ,在方圆十三英里大的地区, 给予增收税金之权利 ,这几年来 ,我们对将近七百九十个土地及商业房地產业主 ,每年共收到一百七十万元之税金, 徵收之标準是每市值百万元之商业地產徵收一千美元 ,所有的私人住宅不在徵收之列。

多年来 ,在国际区十一位委员之努力下 ,我们為这块社区改善了社会治安 ,美化街道 设置果菜花园 ,捐助困苦孩童, 清除街头涂鸦。

今天我们走在国际区街头 ,许多农地已经建成商场 ,许多新移民在这裡找到了他们的家。

由市府出资五千万兴建的社区中心也已接近完工阶段 ,在这座壮观的三层大楼 ,将為我们提供体育 、文艺 、教育的服务。

国际区是我们大家共同努力的家园, 她為我们国际移民社区写下了佳话。

New Street Signs Now Hang In The International District

Starting last week, new street signs were hung in the Houston International District. These beautiful blue signs represent a new milestone in our community.

Almost twenty years ago a group of our community leaders, along with the support of our State Representative Hubert Vo, got a bill through the Texas House of Representatives to create the Houston International District.

With the state’s authorization we were able to tax almost 800 commercial property owners one thousand dollars for every million dollars of property value.

So now every year we will have $1.6 million in revenue to manage the district.

Our main goals are to improve security and manage the crime issue, beautify the streets, to help the many local kids and to promote and attract more businesses to our district.

Over the last several years we have had many new businesses open up in our district. Many farm lands have changed into shopping centers and especially new immigrants have adopted our district as their new home.

We are so glad our district is one of the economic bright spots in the City of Houston.

The Alief Community Center project being built by the City of Houston is in the final stage of construction now. This three-story building will be a state-of-art facility for our district. We will be part of the activities to promote sports, culture and all kinds of community affairs.

We have adopted this district here as our own home. In this pandemic time, we need to help each other as a family.