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大侠行天下日记 我见我闻我思 09/17

大侠行天下日记 我见我闻我思 09/17



将近二百年来一直是白人当选市的波士顿在昨晩的初选中由三十六岁的华裔吴弭和四十七岁的突尼西裔乔治获胜 将在今年十一月二日参加市长选举 不管十一月的市长谁能当选将会结束二百年来首次由亚裔或有色人种接任市长大位

吴弭的父母来自台湾 她在芝加哥出生后来毕业於哈佛法学院 她的主要政见是免费搭乘交通工具 控制房租 改革市政建设之绿色新政府

我们在此要热烈祝贺吴弭之初选胜利 并呼吁大家给她实际之捐款和支持

多年来 我们的社会由於不同之因素造成了对亚裔之歧视和仇恨 许多生活在社会底层的亚裔加上疫情之氾滥 真是苦不堪言

今天我们从波士顿的市长选举中能够清楚的看见大眾的目光还是雪亮的 在这个以白人為主的美国大城 也有亚裔及有色人种出人头地的机会

我们深感美国是一个移民的大熔炉 成千上万的人来到这块土地 贡献其毕生精力 他们对美国是有巨大贡献的

波士顿市长之选举足以証明只要你有足够的勇气和才能 一定能出类拔萃

我们今天也更要呼吁亚裔社区一定好更加团结 虽然我们只佔全国人口的百分之七 但是我们在经济教育上之成就远超过其他族裔

十一月份波士顿市长选出新一代的市长指日可待 值此亚裔被歧视之大环境下 也為我们大家争了口气

A Change In Boston Politics Is Coming

Boston Mayoral candidates Michelle Wu and Annissa Essaibi George both belong to the Democratic Party. Both will advance to the November election and one will make history as the first person of color to become the city’s mayor. Over the last two centuries, Boston has elected only one white man as mayor.

The current polling results show Wu was leading with 33% and George was at about 22% of the votes.

Wu told her supporters that it’s been an honor to be part of this historic field. She promised to keep up the energy and get out to every single voter by knocking on doors and having conversations about what’s possible in the city. Senator Elizabeth Warren is backing Wu who was one of her students from Harvard Law School.

Wu’s parents are from Taiwan. She was born in Chicago and later went to study at Harvard.

Today we are really proud of Michelle Wu and her accomplishments in the mayoral race in Boston.

We as Asian American are facing many challenges, especially in this coronavirus pandemic period. Many of us also have experienced the so-called “hate crimes.”

America is really a nation of immigrants. We came from different corners of the world. Many groups of hard-working people made this country and made many contributions.

The Boston election message is really telling people that your success depends on your hard work.

We really need to support Michelle Wu, not just with the vote. We also need to support her financially too.

She is also setting the role model for the rest of our Asian young people in the future.