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美国新冠疫情日记 09/18

美国新冠疫情日记 09/18


美国食品及药物管理局週五否决辉瑞打第三针之申请,他们认為效果不大, 但对於六十或六十五岁以上之长者可能是需要。

委员会以十六对二票否决了辉瑞的申请,拜登政府本来是计划在九月二十日开始实施施打第三针之计划, 以阻止病毒之继续蔓延, 与会人士认為, 这项决定过於傖促, 他们希望看到更多的证据我们需要打第三针, 而事实上还有许多人还拒绝施打, 也有人还没有打第二针 ,医疗专家希望更多人能接种才能达到集体免疫之效果。

辉瑞製药公司曾经依赖在以色列之资料, 显示第三针才能制止更多之感染, 但是, 美国和以色列之国情大不相同, 不是每个人都要打第三针,除非是年长及患有疾病者。

我们是何等幸运能够选择打第三针,但也有许多拒绝打针的,他们选择不相信科学,或者其他原因, 但是今天重病住院及死亡者, 多半是没有接种疫苗的人, 这是何等之无知和难予置信的事呢。

FDA Rejects Pfizer’s Booster Application

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has rejected a vaccine booster application for approval of the use of booster doses of Pfizer’s vaccines in everyone 16 years old and older. Members of the FDA committee expressed doubts about the safety of a booster dose in young adults and teens six months after they are fully vaccinated and complained about the lack of data.

President Biden had previously announced a plan to begin administering booster doses to the general public the week of September 20th.

In a Friday meeting, experts wanted to have more data on the safety of booster doses in young adults and teens, but they believed boosters were likely necessary for a limited segment of the population.

The company in Israel that is relied upon for the data on the safety of booster doses said that adding booster shots will help keep people out of the hospital.

Pfizer has received full approval for its vaccine from the FDA. Their researchers said that people will develop strong immunity after two doses of the vaccine, but that the level of antibodies will start to drop after just a few months.

We are so lucky in America that everybody can get the vaccine shot, but we still have a lot of people who don’t want to take it. When we look at the record today, most people who got serious health problems and died are those people who don’t believe in the vaccine.

We still want to urge all our people to take action and get the vaccine shot as soon as possible.