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大侠行天下日记 我见我闻我思 09/24

大侠行天下日记 我见我闻我思 09/24

我见 我思 我闻



出生在安徽合肥的杨教授是早期留美学生 由於他在物理学上之贡献於一九五七年和李政道博士同获诺贝尔奖他提出的米尔斯理论是当代最重要的物理学理论之一  



十七年他和翁帆结為夫妻 在翁帆之眼中他是位勇於冒险兴趣广泛拥有科学家冷静思考性格之好男人

对杨教授来说 他百年来的精彩岁月 他和年轻夫人之生活已经没有留白 每次出席活动 身边必有翁帆之身影

近年来 网路上的八卦 有许多不负责任的报导 谣言不攻自破

杨教授 我们大家祝你永远活在幸福之中

Professor Yang Celebrates One Hundred-Year-Old Birthday

Professor Yang Chen-Ning is celebrating his 100th birthday today. He was born on September 22, 1922, in Anhwei, China. He is a physicist whose research with Dr. Lee Tsing-Dao showed that parity of the symmetry between physical phenomena occurring in the right-handed and left-handed coordinate system is violated when certain elementary particles decay.

This discovery earned both of them the Nobel Prize for physics for 1957. 

Since 1965, Dr. Yang has been a professor at the State University of New York at Stony Brook at Long Island, New York.

Professor Yang met his wife Weng Fan for the first time at Shantou University in Guangdong Province in 1995. Later, Yang was accompanied by his late wife and daughter Li Tu to meet the KMT general.

When he was 82, he re-married to 28-year-old Weng Fan. Yang called it a final blessing from God. 

In 2003, Dr. Yang went back to China to continue his work in education until the present.

We really want to congratulate this outstanding Chinese American scholar for his contribution to the world!

Happy birthday, Dr. Yang, and many happy times to come.