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大侠行天下日记 我见我闻我思 09/27

大侠行天下日记 我见我闻我思 09/27

我见 我思 我闻


让中美和加拿大三方陷入冷战气氛的华為孟晩舟案上週五终於落幕 ,这使中美之间近年来军事技术和贸易日益陷入恶性对峙,此举将对两国关係出现转机 ,两名被中国大陆拘留的加拿大人也在同一时间被遣返回国。

孟晚舟过去三年多来 一直被软禁在加拿大温哥华, 并缴纳了八百万美元级的保释金 ,她被指控一起华為向伊朗出售电讯设备之案 ,而要求加拿大拘捕孟晚舟,希望把她引渡到美国, 这也是美国阻止华為在全球对5G 网路扩张之努力。

在这场中美两国之激烈竞争中, 双方都动用了国家权力工具 ,自拜登就任总统以来 ,美国继续阻断出售给华為关键晶片, 对华為造成极大的影响。

我们欣见孟晚舟和 两名加拿大前外交官康明凯及商人斯帕福皆重获自由, 也乐见中美和加拿大三国之关係有所缓解。

美国明年底即面临期中选举,目前面对通货及国家预算之窘境 ,拜登政府势必面对去解决, 否则民主党若失去国会优势, 其后果将是更多的灾难。

我们不愿看到今后变成两个不同的世界, 中美两大国必须继续解决彼此矛盾 ,这不单是中美两国人民之福祉, 也更是世界人民前途有紧密关係。

Meng Wenzhou Is Going Home

After 1,030 days  of detention in Canada, the  U.S. Justice Department reached an agreement clear the way for senior executive of Huawei, Meng Wenzhou, to return to China. This action removed one of the major irritants between U.S. and China. Within a few hours China also released two Canadians who China had held after Meng Wenzhou had been detained in Canada.

The end of the three years' case may lead President Biden and President Xi into a better relationship, but in the meantime, Biden was meeting for the first time at the White House with the leaders from Australia, India and Japan.

Ms. Meng spent three years in Vancouver on a bail of about $8 million and was detained by Canadanian authorities as the United States sought her extradition back to New York.

Since Biden took office, the U.S. government has prevented the Chinese company Huawei from buying key chips needed for its equipment.

We all hope the end of this case will bring better relations between the two countries.

We really don’t want to see the two most powerful countries continue to fight. They both need to cooperate in many fields for world peace.