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大侠行天下日记 我见我闻我思 09/29

大侠行天下日记 我见我闻我思 09/29



位於休斯敦市南边的阳光区,市政决定和私人公司合建造一座全美最大的太阳能发电城, 把这有五十年历史的垃圾处理㘯变成生财的太阳能源基地

去年十二月市长特纳经市议之同意 以一元租金方式和瓦孚公司签约把二百四十亩土地交由该公司经来建造太阳能板 计划将O二三年开始可以休斯敦市民提供能源 并对居住在週边的居民给予特优价格

这项耗资七千万美金之计划 将澈底改变南区贫穷之面貌 除了提供工作机会 也将全面改进水源及环境污染问题

过去五十年来 这个巨大的垃圾淹埋场地社区带来许多问题其中包括空气汚染影响了居民健康 如今市府和民间公司之合作 将為全美各大城市树立一个典范

休斯敦是全世界能源之都 多少年来我们是传统石油页岩油之重要產地 自从拜登上任后竭力提倡代替能源 我们相信这项全美最大的太阳能发电厂 将是新能源之里程碑

The Largest Solar Farm In America

One of Houston’s oldest Black Southside neighborhoods -Sunnyside will become home to the nation’s largest urban solar farm.

Last December the Houston City Council and Mayor Turner approved a $1 dollar lease with Wolfe Energy who will convert the dump into the largest solar installation in the nation on an astounding 240 acres.

The project will cost about $70 million and generate enough energy to power roughly 5,000 homes, roughly the size of 200 football fields.

It was from 1937 to 1970 that Sunnyside was where the City of Houston chose to dump its garbage. As the developer Dori Wolfe said, “There’s no better use for a former landfill than putting solar on it.”

As the energy capital of the world, this new solar project represents a new milestone for Houston and for our state.

It’s a great project that will begin at the end of 2022 which will not just create new jobs, but also will change the whole area and give it a new face.