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美国新冠肺炎抗疫日记 2020年3月25日 ( 中英版)

美国新冠肺炎抗疫日记  2020年3月25日 ( 中英版)

 今天穿过休城华埠, 大道异常平静 往常车水马龙之拥挤已不再, 心情顿时有几分凄凉。

市长特纳已宣佈休斯敦从今天开始进入紧急状态, 除了一些特定行业之外, 希望居民留在家中不能外出。

川晋总统偕同白宫防疫小组组长副总统彭斯在记者会上重申美国政府将尽全力挽救国家重大危机, 国会也通过二千亿美元之特别预算 ,来拯救国家経济以防可能之衰退。


“各位同仁暨工作伙伴: 大家早安, 今天我们决定继续在新闻最前缐坚守岗位 并且调整各位工作时间以配合报纸出版及电视网站之播出。

市长已宣佈全体市民除了必要之购物之外必须留在家中, 但其中媒体行业例外, 我们已制定身份证明请各位随身携带。

值此疫情加剧之时, 我们绝不能放弃新闻工作者之职责和使命, 无数读者及观眾无时无刻不在企盼更多更新的讯息 ,我们希望大家互相扶持和鼓励, 犹如同一家人 一定会度过难关 ,迎接明天的曙光。


The World Has Changed

Today, as I drove down the streets of Houston’s Chinatown and the International District area, there were very few cars out bustling around and I suddenly felt a kind of deep sadness.

Mayor Turner announced on Tuesday that all Houstonians need to stay home starting at midnight, unless necessary and essential trips to markets, doctors, etc.

Today, I sent out a letter to all my colleagues and told them how important it is in this critical time to stand in the front lines to report the news so the community can understand the facts in this rapidly changing situation.

Congress has now already passed a two trillion dollars emergency fund to help all the citizens and businesses. This is a great help for all the American people, but we need to get people well and back to work.

We are urging all the people to stand united in this fight against this deadly virus.

God bless America.