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大侠行天下日记 我见我闻我思 10/16

大侠行天下日记 我见我闻我思 10/16

我见 我闻 我思


国际货币基金组织之一份最新报告指出 由於新冠疫情难予抑制和全球供应链之瓶颈将打击各国経济復甦之前景虽然今年整体增长率在百分之六左右 但这一个情势也反映了富国和穷国的差异日见増大

世界各国目前面临之债务上升 失业率高涨 虽然富有国家开始提供接种强化疫苗 但是贫穷国家仍然有百分之九十六未能接种 专家认為除非疫情在所有地方都结束 否则任何地方都无法结束

因為疫情造成的生產受阻加上世界各大港口的瓶颈 造成了严重人工短缺 光是八月份在美国的劳工市场就有四百三十万工人辞职他们选择另找工作或离开了劳动力市场

在通货膨胀之压力下 食品 汽车 价格不断上升 尤其是市场消费品最為明显 对於许多製造国家 原材料之上涨 对整个生產过程產生了影响

今天全球已经形成一个相互之生產链 越南制鞋工厂停工必然会美国鞋店无鞋可卖 如果大家不能共同面对困境 世界経济前程将継续黯淡

The World Economy Is Still Struggling

The resurgence of the coronavirus coupled with the backup of the supply chain will threaten to hold up the global economic recovery.

The International Monetary Fund issued the latest World Economic Outlook Report that indicated the overall growth rate will remain at 6 percent this year. This is an historically high level after a recession, but the expansion reflects a vast divergence in the fortunes of rich and poor countries.

The vaccine is at the heart of economic disparities, while the bolstering shots are coming to the rich countries while 96% of the poor countries are still not vaccinated. The economists say that it is very clear that we are all in this together and the pandemic is not over anywhere until it is over everywhere.

According to a U.S. Department of Labor report in August 2021, a record 4.3 million workers have quit their jobs to take or seek new jobs, or to leave the workforce entirely.

Because of rising inflation, prices are climbing for food, healthcare, automobiles and trucks. Inflation will be the biggest challenge the economy will face.

Today the world has become a global supply chain. We are all interdependent on each other in many ways. When a shoe manufacturer shuts down in Vietnam, we are not going to have shoes to sell in America.

The pandemic has underscored how economic success or failure in some countries can ripple throughout the globe.

We urge all the countries to take action to help each other and to work together because this is a global issue.