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美南广场 / 董事长介绍

大侠行天下日记 我见我闻我思 10/29

大侠行天下日记 我见我闻我思   10/29


拜登总统目前在国会正面临同党同志之极大压力来通过他所提出之国家基建福利法案 在今天的闭门会谈中 他企图说服激进自由派的民主党议员 同意他提出的一千七百五十万亿的经济及拯救气候变化之法案 这项法案巳得到五十位民主党参议员之支持



老实说 拜登总统需要在他参加G20 会议之前 為大会交出个成绩单 也為了保住美国在世界上的龙头地位

近二年来 由於新冠病毒之侵袭 世界之格局发生巨大变化 从阿富汗军到亚太地区之军事演习 眼看数以万计无法进港之货柜已经物价飞涨

拜登总统面临内外之极大压力 对内必须应对自由极端派对社会低层救助之要求 对外许多盟邦对美国也怨声载道

我们呼吁拜登总统应该重组国安外交及内政之团队 来面对问题 重新调整战略 才能走出困境

President Biden Is Trying To Unite His Own Party

President Biden is trying to pitch a multi-trillion dollar plan on Capitol Hill and bring progressives and moderates together.

In a closed door meeting, the president tried to convince progressives to agree on the long-awaited details of his $1.75 trillion economic and climate package. But his pitch will not be enough to satisfy progressives.

Senate Democrats cannot afford to lose a single vote to pass the bill in process known as budget reconciliation.

Today President Biden is facing many challenges both here at home and abroad. In order to keep his leadership position, he has to show the world how the U.S. can lead the world.

Biden has a great amount of pressure from his own party. When many in Congress ask for more social welfare and more assistance for poor people, where in the budget does the money come from? This is the same issue the federal government has faced over the past several years.

In the meantime, we urge President Biden to change his national and domestic team in order to meet the growing list of challenges.