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大侠行天下日记 我见我闻我思 11/02

大侠行天下日记 我见我闻我思 11/02




此事件沿自於二〇一八年四月份 政府将非法进入美国的家庭强制把他们的父母和孩子们分开拘留 由当时的检察总长强力执行此项隔离政策

美国民权保护联盟向政府提出诉讼并要求赔偿 有关人士表示 每人可能得到四十五万美元 每个家庭可以得到一百万元赔偿金 但是这个数额目前还未定案

前国土安全部长署长武夫批评拜登政府之作法是对纳税人的污辱 他们明知是非法进入美国的人

根据政府统计有三千九百一十三名孩童曾经被强制和父母分开 这项被认為是非人道行為 也凸显了川时期之残酷政策

是的 我们是一个标榜人道主义之国家 但是我们对於那些非法进来的各国难民 也採取了容忍之态度 如果因而要对这些非法移民给予巨额补偿 请问在我们国内同样遭受虐待的国人又如何交代呢

国家财政已経是寅吃卯粮 国厙没钱 而又要支付如此龎大之救济金 实在令人不解 我们奉劝政府要三思而后行 免招致民怨

Families Separated Under Trump Policy Will Get Paid

The Biden Administration is considering payment to migrants who were separated from their children during the Trump administration’s zero tolerance policy.

In April 2018, the policy that led to family separations and removed the children from their parents who crossed the border with their families and put the adults into custody would now, under Biden’s plan, compensate the families. Former Attorney General Jeff Sessions was the driving force behind the zero tolerance policy. 

The ACLU was the organization that sued the government on behalf of the families seeking damages in the amount close to $450,000 per person which could amount to one million dollars per family. But the final decision has not been made yet. 

Former Homeland Security Secretary Chad Wolf slammed the proposal as “insulting to our taxpayers.” 

The Biden Administration found that 3,913 children were separated from their families under the Trump administration’s zero tolerance policy.

We totally sympathize with the families, but paying one million dollars to them is just unbelievable. 

Today the country is also facing several other difficulties in many areas. We really need to consider the whole picture and the future of our nation.