美国新冠肺炎抗疫日记 03/27/2020 中美团结 共救世界

中美团结 共救世界
今天全球靣临前所未有之挑战, 中美两国应携手合作来拯救这㘯灾难,多少年来中国大陆已经成為世界工厰已经是不争之事实 ,从我们日常用品到口罩呼吸器无不是中国制造, 这些实在廉价產品抑制了美国的通货膨胀,支撑美国经济之发展。
United States And China Need To Work Together
Today is Friday. As usual, the sun rose in the early morning in Houston, Texas, but the whole country seems to be in “sleeping mode” since the attack from the Coronavirus-- the worst time in our history.
President Trump tweeted today and said that he just finished a good conversation with President Xi of China. He said they discussed in great detail the Coronavirus that is ravaging large parts of our planet. China has been through so much and has developed a strong understanding of the virus. Ourcountries are working closely together in this fight. We have much respect for these two leaders.
We are urging these two powerful countries to work together to solve this world problem. It has taken many years, but China has become the top world manufacturing country for products such as medical masks and medical-related products. W would like to see China step up and immediately increase their ability to produce more medical products for the whole world.
At the same time, the United States needs to mobilize all our talented medical researchers to develop new medicines for this devastating virus disease.
We as Asian Chinese-American owners of small businesses are facing shut downs,including food-related like food-related restaurants who are suffering the most.
There were over 74,000 cases of Coronavirus reported in United States today. Abouthalf of them in New York, close to almost 10 times more than any other state.
We strongly urge all the Asian America community to do your best to try and help others as well yourself.