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美南广场 / 董事长介绍

大侠行天下日记 我见我闻我思 11/04

大侠行天下日记 我见我闻我思 11/04



当选為波士顿市长的华裔吴弭, 打破了二百多年来被白人撑控的政治局面 ,这确是说明美国社会还是有我们出人头地的机会。

这位父母都来自台湾的哈佛毕业生 ,在芝加哥出生长大 ,她是位热情洋溢活跃在社区的候选人, 从她二十八岁时就加入了波士顿市议会 ,以自由派多种族联盟之方式得到许多市民之热情支持。

她是参议员沃伦在哈佛之得意门生, 她的政见是将把市府之合约分配给黑人及亚裔拉丁裔人拥有的公司, 削减警察工会之力量 ,全免市内交通工具 ,对租金进行管制。

现年三十八岁的吴市长, 即将走马上任 ,台下及台上是两种不同处境, 在她企图改变市政生态之同时, 必然会面临挑战 ,在这座拥有代表美国歷史文化之古城,更有许多保守派势力, 要改变现状是件艰鉅的任务。

今天我们一定要為这位优秀儏出的新一代亚裔表示由衷之祝福, 更不要忘记以实际行动捐助, 投票支持她 ,更要摒弃不必要之政治因素, 為我们争一席之地。

Congratulations To Mayor Wu!


Michelle Wu, the 36-year-old daughter of Asian immigrants won the Boston Mayor’s seat by a wide margin last night. This is the first time an Asian woman has won the mayor’s race in the nation’s mostly white, male-dominated position of political power. 


Her victory was supported by progressive enclaves and a community of color. Her agenda includes free public transportation, a new approach to downtown development and rent control.


Michelle Wu’s victory is a testament to the shifting face of the city into a transformative political change.


She said to her supporters in Spanish, French and Mandarin Chinese, “Everything is possible.”


We are so happy that we have such an outstanding young Asian woman who has become the mayor of one of the country’s most important cities. We need to support her with our votes and also with our money. This is what American politics

is all about. 


Michelle, we are all so proud of you.