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美南广场 / 董事长介绍

大侠行天下日记 我见我闻我思 11/17

大侠行天下日记 我见我闻我思 11/17

我见 我思 我闻




尽管双方未就任何实际问题达成协议但是双方领导人都表示要避免军事冲突 这也许是使两大强国减少正面对抗之情势降温也算是高峯会最大之收获

拜登总统表示双方要建立护栏避免军事对抗是我们对世界和我们国民都负有的责任 白宫希望对於双方保持交流管道畅通的必要性 但是对於臺湾南海及科技方面存在分歧

从中美两国关係层面而言 臺湾问题是最大的问题 中国领导人再度重申臺湾是中国领土不可分割之一部份而美国却不断出臺支持臺湾的各种动作

从国际政治实力之观点而言中美元首视讯高峯会已经确定世界G2 之形成美国当前面临之许多重大问题已经说明必须有中国之参予来共同解决

臺湾问题是我们海内外华人共同关心之重大问题 我们必须告诫臺湾执行当局 必须审慎行事 否则生活在臺湾的人其后果将不堪设想

No Major Breakthrough At U.S. - China Summit

After three and one-half hours of the virtual summit between President Biden and President of China Xi Jinping Monday night, there were no major breakthroughs.

The White House said that President Biden raised concerns about human rights abuses and China’s unfair trade and economic policies and President Xi indicated that U.S. support for Taiwan was playing with fire.

Nevertheless, the two leaders are willing to manage their differences to avoid conflict between the two largest powers in the world. This could help to lower the overheated rhetoric in recent months.

As Biden said, both sides need to build some common-sense guardrails and need to keep the communication lines open. The president also expressed that he was prepared to move relations in a positive direction.

This meeting was initiated at President Biden’s request. It reflected the situation in light of a possible military engagement with China.

Today we as Chinese around the world are very concerned and worried about what is going on with the Taiwan situation. This is also a major issue between the U.S. and China. We want to remain the current ruler of Taiwan and China needs to take very cautious steps to reduce tensions in the Taiwan Strait. We don’t want a war to destroy our motherland and our people.