大侠行天下日记 我见我闻我思 11/19

家庭团聚,共享火鸡大餐之日子将近, 感恩节是我们最重要的日子之一, 它代表了家庭之亲情和感恩 ,更彰显了社会之公义和温暖。
回忆起当年刚到美国时 ,我曾寄住在旧金山派克街一位白人房主积克的家中 ,他是位公寓管理员, 因為是独身,分租了一个房间给我 ,我因為早出晚归 ,除了上课,还在打工至深夜, 唯一和积克见面,只有和他在週日上午共进早餐 ,他是位来自欧洲英国之三代移民 ,曾经参军后退役, 他為我们做上非常道地的英氏早餐, 除了香脆的培根及煎蛋 ,还配上蓝梅果酱麵包土司, 我们在品嗜香味四溢的咖啡中, 谈些一週来的趣事, 我真心感动积克给予我这个穷学生和海外游子之温暖, 时至如今, 我得到他的真传 ,能做出真正的欧式早餐。
事隔多年, 我又回到派克大街, 当然积克已经回归天国 ,但是那幢古老建筑依然完好 ,我在大门前滞留片刻, 思念往事 ,人事全非 ,但是我对积克早年的关照和他的美味早餐难予忘怀 ,在我人生最艰难之日子, 遇到贵人, 唯有感恩再感恩。
上至养我育我的父母、以及学校教导我们的恩师 ,在人生中遇到的老伴、 老友, 在事业上的伙伴以及无数帮助我们的人, 我们都要感恩 ,唯有如此, 我们的社会才会和谐,才会温暖。
感恩节即在眼前,社会似乎动盪不安 ,全球疫情未见管控 ,眼见许多国家孩童因飢饿骨瘦如柴, 但愿大家在此感恩节日之时, 伸出援手, 给世界添些温暖。
Thanksgiving Is The Time To Say “Thanks”
This is the last part of the year and Thanksgiving is coming soon. This is the time for family reunions and time to enjoy the turkey dinner together. It also represents the time when people need to appreciate what they are enjoying today.
I remember many years ago I was a new foreign student and just arrived in San Francisco. I shared a small apartment with a man named Mr. Jack Jacobson on Pine Street. Jack was a third generation British immigrant. He was retired from the army and managed an apartment complex. Because of my busy schedule, I had to go to school and then work in the restaurant until midnight. We really hardly ever saw each other. The only time was on Sunday mornings. Jack invited me to enjoy breakfast with him. He was such a good cook with the delicious English style breakfast with bacon and hash brown potatoes. We spent time together and talked about what had happened over the past week. Jack was always concerned about my school studies and my work. His friendship really deeply moved me.
Many years later, I went back to Pine Street in San Francisco again and heard that Jack had already passed away. But the building was still there. I stood in front of it and my mind went back to the old days. Jack gave me a lot of advice and helped me in my difficult times. I always appreciated him.
Each one of us has our parents, teachers, friends and partners in our lives. It is because of them that we are able to become successful in many ways. We really need to appreciate them.
When we watch so many hungry kids around the world, all of us need to help them to get out of hunger.
The holiday season is the time we need to say thanks, especially on Thanksgiving Day.