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大侠行天下日记 我见我闻我思 11/20

大侠行天下日记 我见我闻我思 11/20

我见 我思 我闻


美中两国元首高峰会之后两国同意放宽双方记者之签证限制 去年被中国驱逐的三家美国媒体预料将可以回到中国工作 他们是在川时期因双方关係恶化导致外交对抗之行动

包括华尔街日报》《华盛顿邮报纽约时报在疫情发生后遭到驱逐 华府為了报復 将驻在美国的中国记者签证有效期限制在九十天内

根据新的规定 他们将可得到一年签证 可以方便往来而不必担心无法返回工作岗位

华尔街之银行金融机构 一直渴望在中国大陆扩大业务 他们的愿望终於达成 包括花旗集团已经在华开设託管业务 摩根大通得到许可可以完全在中国设立投资银行和交易业务 此举表明中国政府正在实施全面性的金融开放政策

我们愿见中美双方对新闻交流之再度开放 这代表着两个国民更有机会相互了解 因為经交流是需要相互信息之互换

今天在互联网无所不在的时代 媒体及新闻单位仍然掌握了信息之大部分来源 我们更寄望美国新闻单位驻在中国大陆之记者们 应该多加报导中国社会及人民的善良 进步温馨的故事 美国人能更瞭解中国 这才是两国人民所需要的资讯

我们今天必须承认中国和美国已经是G2 之两大国之地位 如何相容相处才是世界人类之福

China And U.S. Ease Restrictions On Journalists’ Visas

The U.S. and China agreed to ease restrictions on foreign journalists operating in the two countries. Last year China expelled some American reporters during the Trump administration.

Under the agreement, three American news organizations including the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal and the Washington Post will be able to go back to China, but it is not clear whether specific reporters will be permitted to return to work there.

Earlier the U.S. had limited visas for Chinese reporters to 90 days, but they will now be renewed annually. Both sides agreed to allow reporters to come and go from countries without fear of losing the ability to return to work. Reporters for both countries will have to meet the standard eligibility requirement for visas under the laws of both countries.

This is a good sign for resolving some of the escalating tensions between the two countries. It also signals that the people will get more news and information from the news media.

We have to admit that China has now become a superpower. As a G2 member in the world, they have opened the door for American banks in July. Citigroup became the first foreign bank to win approval to open a custody business in China. JPMorgan Chase got permission from China to take full ownership of its investment banking and trading business there.

Today we need to have more good news reported to the people in both countries.

We are very happy that American reporters are going back to China. We want them to write more stories about the people’s stories to let the American people understand the Chinese better.

We now need a better future for the whole world.