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美南广场 / 董事长介绍

大侠行天下日记 我见我闻我思 11/29

大侠行天下日记 我见我闻我思 11/29

我见 我闻 


纽约时报三位记者本週发表了一篇震撼人心的文章 题目是:“為什麼美国人想搬家去德州”。

故事要回到许多年前了 当时我们住在金州之称的加卅旧金山 一个汉堡是二毛 汽油每加崙是一毛五 当我每天搭乘速度慢的电车穿过地势崎嶇之街道时 看到耀眼的红艷落日披在雄壮的湾区大桥上 不禁想唱起那条「我把心已留在了旧金山 友人们听到我要去德州 他们第一反应是你是不是疯了?

我们还是决定到炎热荒芜的德州大地去闯天下 更把我们的青春年华奉献给这块土地 始终都没有后悔过 今天更证明我们的选择是正确的

纽约时报在文章中写道他们收集了成千上万个城镇三十多个指标数据 其中包括教育质量 犯罪率 赚买力 其中包括人口超过一千的一万六千八百四十七个城镇进行调查 开始明白為什麼这麼多人都要搬到徳州。

一百多年前 人人都想尽办法到加州淘金 迄至今日 被称為金州之地仍然是全球经济最发达之州 无论是科技 艺术 电影仍然是世界之冠 但是随着气候灾难房价飞涨 改变了加州之面貌

今天德州不断向国人招手 许多城市都相对地犯罪率较低 一流的学区 住房价格低廉 工作机会多而且没有个人州所得税 过去十年徳州人口增加了四百多万 而且多半来自加州

我们非常热烈地欢迎更多人移居德州 同时更加显示我们是个多元族群之社会 也為美国未来的前途增加更多之活力和希望

We Welcome More People To Become Texans

The New York Times had an article last week saying that the trauma of the past few years has rearranged all of our lives. Many Americans now have new needs, new desires, new possibilities and new priorities that include looking for bigger homes, second homes or any homes at all.

The New York Times gathered data from thousands of towns and cities across more than 30 matrices such as school quality, crime rates and affordability. After they looked at the data they found out why many people are moving to Texas.

Over the last more than one hundred years, California has become the most prosperous “state-of-the-art” U.S. location, turning the “Golden State” into a global capital.

When people are looking for reasonable housing at a good price, good schools and a lower crime rate they found out that in Texas there are many cities that are suitable for their needs.

We are here to welcome more people to move to our state and become Texans.

When we first moved to Texas many years ago, people were very surprised when we gave up San Francisco in the Golden State to come all the way to Texas. We spent all our energy and young adult life in Texas. Here is now our home. We are so happy we made the right decision, but for many of you, it is never too late.