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大侠行天下日记 我见我闻我思 12/04

大侠行天下日记 我见我闻我思 12/04


十一月二十六日出版的纽约时报题目為「為什麼美国人都想搬家去德州」 引发了许多激烈之反应 為这个德州大城登上世界平台

纽时在成千上万个大小城镇中 把教育水平 治安 房价标準及就业市场做了全面之调查比较 结果达拉斯近郊之许多城镇遥遥领先 成千上万的美国人正在向德州迁这也说明这个弧星之州开展了广阔的发展前景

新冠疫情碓实改变了美国和全世界 数百万人死於这个万恶的病毒 大多数人正面临生活和心理之巨大挑战 世界许多地区更是哀嚎遍地 拜登总统在此危机四伏之时就任大位 两党斗争百热化 华府成為了政治廝杀之地

在如此重重压力之下 国人必须面对现实 克服困难 相较之下 德州地广人稀资源排列世界第八位 因而是国人首选之地

今天我们沿着四十五号公路从休斯敦驶向达拉斯 灿烂的阳光和天边的彩云 令人心旷神怡 虽然这条宽阔之超级公路 我们已经走过了数十寒暑 但是今天的感觉特别激动和温暖 因為德州更充满了希望

好友埃克县长正在為这两个大城兴建子弹列车在努力 希望此梦想早日实现 更能创造更多的美好前景


Why People Are Moving To Texas

On November 26, 2021, a New York Times article reported that the traumas of the past few years have rearranged all of our lives. Many Americans have new needs, new desires, new possibilities and new priorities. They are looking for bigger homes, better jobs and better schools.

The New York Times gathered data from thousands of towns and cities on more than 30 metrics such as school quality, crime rates and affordability to show that Texas may work for you. The suburbs around Dallas, including places like Plano, McKinney, Allen and Garland came up on top. These are some of the fastest browning areas in the country with less crime, better schools and teeming with jobs, housing, good restaurants, clean air and racial diversity.

Texas has been growing explosively in the last two decades. From 2010 to 2020 the population of Texas grew by nearly four million. Our total population is now 29 million. Now most newcomers have come through migration from other parts of the country and the world.

Today we were driving Interstate Highway 45 from Houston to Dallas. There were beautiful skies and weather all the way. This is not the first time we have been doing that over the last several decades.

I am so very excited and joyful to welcome more new residents to Texas.

I told our good friend Judge Robert Eckels that we really need the bullet train to connect these two great American cities.