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美南广场 / 董事长介绍

大侠行天下日记 我见我闻我思 12/6

大侠行天下日记 我见我闻我思 12/6


德州各族裔社区领袖应邀於週日下午在休斯敦国际贸易中心参加社区经济繁荣座谈会, 讨论疫情期间如何应对社区面临之未来挑战。

前赫里斯郡县长埃克也参加座谈 ,并和社区领袖们充分交换意见。

多年来 ,大休斯敦及德州各大城市和乡镇地区涌进了四百多万之居民, 世界顶尖公司也纷纷搬到德州, 来自世界各地尤其是亚裔新移民更為德州経济作出重大贡献。

参加座谈会的还有来自华裔、 韩离、 印裔、 尼伯尔裔、 日裔 、拉丁裔及主流社区之领袖。

集会中大家认為金融体系及中小企业是当前社区繁荣之主要支柱,埃克县长目前正在推动休斯敦和达拉斯间的子弹列车计划, 此工程将对美国和德州経済带来重大影响。

过去十五年来, 休斯敦国际区之成立, 已经成為社区繁荣发展之典范, 我们如何把一块落后荒芜之地, 改变為中小企业落户之地。


ITC Community Leaders Meeting

 Many Texas community leaders were invited to the Houston International Trade Center on Saturday to discuss how to promote the local economy through financial institutions. 

In the last ten years more than four million people have moved to Texas. We are becoming one of the most important economic powers in the nation, especially in Harris County and the greater Houston area. More than one million Asians and other immigrants have come to this region. 

Over fifteen years ago we created the Houston International District with the assistance from our state representative Hubert Vo. We changed this thirteen-square-mile-area from a depressed area to one of the most prosperous districts. 

Our community meeting tonight included a very diverse group including business leaders from the Chinese, Korean, Indian, Japanese, Latino and Nepalese communities. We all agreed that we need more financial institutions to help more small businesses. 

Judge Robert Eckels also attended the meeting. He is working on building the bullet train between Houston and Dallas. This project will make a big impact on the Texas economy.