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美南广场 / 董事长介绍

大侠行天下日记 我见我闻我思 12/11

大侠行天下日记 我见我闻我思 12/11


二年之间的疫情 打乱了世界政治经济之格局 今天我们非常高兴在休斯敦国际贸易中心再度开啟各项外交文化贸易経济之活动

美南新闻集团在十五年前首创了非营利之国际贸易中心 多年来 我们举办过数百场大小活动 我们和政府民间团体及外交使节团透过各种方式来促进社区和各国文化之交往

今天我们再度敞开了大门 迎接几内亚大使杨森及前县长共和党大老埃克等一行 身為几内亚驻休斯敦之名誉总 我在尽力為两国之交流在继续努力

德州经济情况不断上扬之中 中外商家及居民不断迁徙到德州 未来十年我们会成為美国経济发展之龙头

国际贸易中心目前驻进了五个商会 德州联合国协会及衣索匹亚及几内亚总领事馆 市长特纳经常鼓励和感谢我们对市府之贡献 这也是我们最值得骄傲和光荣的举措

The Door Is Open Again At The ITC!

It was our great honor and pleasure to greet Ambassador Yansane of the Republic of Guinea and Judge Robert Eckels to the International Trade Center today.

Almost two years ago because of the coronavirus pandemic we had to close our center. For so long we suspended all the activities at the center.

ITC was founded by a group of community leaders. As a non-profit organization we have been serving over ten thousand small businesses in the area through seminars, social events and international conferences. We are very proud of our record of promoting international relations between Texas and the world.

The times are changing and because the pandemic is being defeated, ITC will be reopened and we look forward to teaming up with our partners again to sponsor many new programs in the future.

Currently, the ITC tenants include five chambers of commerce, the Houston office of the United Nations Association and many other companies.

We are looking forward to more people joining us to work together. Our goal is to promote a better life in our community and the world.