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美南广场 / 董事长介绍

大侠行天下日记 我见我闻我思 12/13

大侠行天下日记 我见我闻我思 12/13


至少有三十个巨大之龙捲颶风上週五晚间横扫美国中西部六大州 其中包括肯塔吉阿肯色 伊利诺 密苏里 密西西比及田纳西

截至目前為止至少有八十多人丧生 其中肯塔吉就有七十人 这㘯颶风夷平了一些郷政及民宅 现场一片狼藉惨不忍睹 至少二十五万户人家仍在停电 肯塔吉公安部门表示 这是我们最黑暗的一天

在肯塔吉梅菲市的一家蜡蠋工厂被龙捲风全部吹垮 生还者说大风来得太快 顷刻之间房子蹋下来把我们压住 这是死亡最重的地区

美国联邦紧急救灾总署署长克里斯瓦表示 上週末发生时速二百英里的龙捲风 因大自然气候 可能成為今后灾难的常态 令人十分担心

拜登总统已经下令尽一切可能向灾区进行援助 并将在近期亲访灾区

我们对於伤亡的灾民表示由衷的哀悼 对於全球气候之变化近年来造成之灾情 也感到十分无奈 世界各国始终无法共同面对尤其是如大国印度就持非常保守之态度 试想 别人都已经全面进入工业化而落后国家岂能全盘配合 阻止了国家之建设

Tornadoes Tear Through Six States

A series of tornadoes ripped through several states in the Midwest and Southern states on late Friday and over 100 people are feared dead.

In Kentucky alone, the death toll is over 80. This made it the deadliest tornado event in the state’s history. In Arkansas, officials have reported two deaths. Tennessee has confirmed four, Illinois has reported six and Missouri two.

Tornadoes accompanied by strong winds collapsed an occupied candle factory in Kentucky and an Amazon warehouse was struck in Illinois killing more than 100 people in a six-state area.

According to FEMA Administrator Deanne Criswell, the severe storms are the “new normal” in an era of climate change. 

Criswell said, “The effects we are seeing of climate change are the crisis of our generation. We are working with communities to help reduce the impact that we are seeing from these severe weather events.”

This destruction is unlike anything ever seen before and the rescue and recovery effort will come with many challenges.

President Biden is closely monitoring the situation and told the Kentucky governor that the federal government will do everything it can to possibly help. When the circumstances allow, the President will travel to the region.

Our condolences go out to those people who have lost their family members and loved ones. We also want to emphasize the importance of dealing with the global climate change. This is a major factor that will affect our future. We urge all the world leaders to face this critical issue. Otherwise, these tragedies will continue around the world.