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大侠行天下日记 我见我闻我思 12/14

大侠行天下日记 我见我闻我思 12/14

歷史之伤痛 和平之可贵

一九三七年十二月十三日,是日本军国主义份子在南京屠杀了三十万同胞的南京大屠杀惨痛的日子 这个当年国民政府之首府 在日军之铁蹄下以烧杀掳掠方式 屠杀了无数之中国同胞这个歷史上之伤痛 耻辱 在八十四年后的今天 我们仍然要牢记在心

自从一九四五年二次大战结束之后 世界局势仍然多变而不确定 虽然有许多大小战役 但是仍然未导至第三世界大型之战争

今天世界中美两大强权 正在全球展开不断的竞争和对抗 从亚洲到非洲无处不在 这是我们大家非常忧虑之大事

老实说 我们今天处於核子武器之高科技时代 今天的战争和过去二次大战已经不可同日而语 战争方式已有超过陆地之肉搏方式 而是以弹科技对準敌人阵地

台湾海峡及乌克兰是目前世界最大的危机地区 中美俄三大拥核国家 是在别人的土地上进行政治和军事斗争 如果发生战争 受害者是谁呢

今天我们在记念和缅怌三十万被屠杀的同胞时 要切记歷史之悲剧 免於重復辙 政客们更要三思而行 不要做歷史之罪人

Nanjing Massacre Scars Of History

The Nanjing Massacre was an episode of mass murder and rape committed by Japanese imperial troops against the residents of Nanjing which at that time was the capital of China. 

Over a period of six weeks Japanese army forces brutally murdered hundreds of thousands of people. About 80,000 women were sexually assaulted. An estimate of over 300,000 Chinese were killed. 

The event remains as a continuous political issue between the two countries. Nanjing, the capital of China, was left in ruins. It took decades to rebuild the city. 

On December 13, 1937, the first troops of Japan’s Central China Front Army entered the city having “killing contests.” Chinese soldiers were hunted down and killed by the thousands and left in mass graves. Entire families were massacred. Even the elderly and infants were targeted for execution. 

Today when we look back at history, how horrified we are of the war.

We need to memorialize these scars of history. We urge all politicians to learn how to avoid war.

We see that the world is now in chaos. We are having trouble in the Taiwan Straits and in the Ukraine. These political hotspots could be leading to war.