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美南广场 / 董事长介绍

大侠行天下日记 我见我闻我思 12/17

大侠行天下日记 我见我闻我思 12/17

我见 我思 


年来的新冠疫情加上天然灾害及对社会对立之挑战 过去一年是非常不平凡又不平静的一年 我们生活在恐惧 激情和绝望之中

不幸的是 新冠疫情之变种病毒还不断侵蚀我们 世界上大多数国家和地区只有继续企望上天之保佑了

据世卫组织本週发表之统计数字 美洲地区新冠病毒感染人数超过九十二万人激增近百分之十九 尽管疫苗仍然缺货 但是百分之五十六的人已经完成接种了新冠疫苗

当全球面对同一个疫情挑战时 我们必须团结一致在世卫组织之架构下 帮助所有国家做好準备和应对工作 提供正确之信息破除危险的谣言 确保卫生工作者有充足之物资 培训和动员充足之工作人员并找到新的疫苗大量在各地生產

我们一再呼吁 今天我们是居住在地球村每个国家和地区因交通发达及密切交往 都已经无法独善其身了

O二一年即将结束 我们大家共同努力 互相关怀,让这场灾难尽快落幕

2021 Worst Year In History

This is terrible news as the U.S. has reached 800,000 Covid-19 deaths and public health experts think that it might reach one million. In the winter the Delta variant drives up the numbers and infections spike, while at the same time the Omicron variant is spreading rapidly all around the world.

Many experts still are urging the wearing of masks indoors and even at large outdoor events. Vaccinations and booster shots and Covid-19 testing for the illness or exposure may be the only hope for avoiding the threat of the flu along with the variants.

We are urging all people to get vaccinated ASAP and keep practicing social distancing. Wear masks, clean hands and cover your mouth and nose when you cough. If you develop symptoms or test positive, self-isolate until you recover.

Today the whole world is facing the same issue. We need to work under the WHO guidelines to help each other.

2021 was the year of tragedy. Many people lost their loved ones. We all hope the next coming year will be a much better year.