美国新冠肺炎抗疫日记3/30/2020 患难见真情

美国全国确疹人数不断加速攀升,单纽约地区死亡人数已超过一千, 全国死亡已经超过二千四百人,中央公园及会议中心已经搭起临时医院床位,川晋总统已把全国紧急时期延到四月三十日,纽约股市尚维持在二万二千点处徘徊,政府已经把两艘海军医务舰开到纽约和加州海岸从接纳更多的病患。
Medical Supplies Arriving
A plane full of medical supply arrived at New York Kennedy airport Sunday morning carrying 12 million gloves, 1.7 million surgical masks, 50,000 gowns, 130,000 hand sanitizer units and 36,000 thermometers. In the next two weeks there will be 22 more plane loads that will be lift to New York City.
We are so glad China is helping the U.S. in such a difficult time. Dr. Anthony Fauci, U.S . Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, estimated there could be 100,000 or more deaths, but the numbers could change. President Trump has extended the social distancing cutoff date to April 30. A field hospital has been set up in New York’s Central Park and the USNS Comfort, a Mercy-class hospital ship has docked in New York harbor and the USNS Mercy ship has arrived in Los Angeles.
We urge President Trump to ask for help from all over the world, especially from China which is only country can produce mass medical supply for the U.S.