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美南广场 / 董事长介绍

大侠行天下日记 我见我闻我思 12/22

大侠行天下日记 我见我闻我思 12/22

我见 我思 我闻



截至目前為止 全美各地尚有五千万人没有有接种疫苗 他们已经成為传染之最大隐忧 祺其博士说 如果他们还不去接种疫苗 我们就无法做到全民免疫因而為新病毒找到了温床

二年后的今天 全国各地仍然笼罩在新冠疫情之隂影下 悲观估计 到今年初全美各地将有近百万人丧生 这是多可怕而惊悚之数字

今天我们也加入了社区防疫之行列 两辆医务车己停靠在美南新闻广场上 医务人员将免费為大家测试和接种疫苗 我们呼吁大家要尽炔来测试 只要十分鐘就有结果

新冠病毒是我们全体国民都应该面对之挑战 这个疫情已经底改变了我们的生活方式 和未来前景 如何无法打败这㘯疫情 将是一㘯人数之悲剧

我们要再次邀请社区领袖和商家 你们有义务和责任站出来 為社区贡献一份力量 各人自扫门前雪的时代已经过去了

Let’s All Stand Together To Fight Covid-19

Dr. Anthony Fauci, the Chief Medical Advisor to President Biden said that if you are vaccinated and have had a booster shot, the likelihood of getting seriously ill is very, very low.

But the issue that remains is that people need to understand that it is those unvaccinated people who are the most vulnerable are not only the most likely to get infected, but also are prone to experiencing a serious outcome. Today more than fifty million Americans are still unvaccinated.

The Biden administration is going to purchase one-half billion at-home Covid tests and distribute them to all the families in the country who are now facing a potentially crippling wintertime surge of infection. The president also will deploy 1,000 military service members to overburdened hospitals, a number that will include military doctors and nurses.

Today Southern News Group also will join the president’s mission and will establish two medical box facilities to offer free Covid tests to the people in our community.   

I am also urging all the business and community leaders to participate in this urgent mission. Open your hearts and wallets to help our people.

The Christmas holidays are here. This is the time we all need to come together as a family of friends and be united. 

Let us all unite together to fight this evil Covid to save our community.