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美南广场 / 董事长介绍

大侠行天下日记 我见我闻我思 0101

大侠行天下日记 我见我闻我思 0101


当我们挥别了2021 迎来了新的一年 我们要向大家送出诚挚之祝福 愿友情似鸟儿的翅膀在初升的旭日中绚烂地展开 幸福和悦耳之歌声在四週响起

过去两年之苦难日子 继续考验我们在这世界上生存之耐力 全球経济政治之格局也因而起了重大的改变

今天我们面对的挑战 没有悲观的权利 首先我们必须在自己现有之岗位上继续扮演好自己的脚色 為社会和国家做出稹极之贡献

五十年来 地球在被人类过度开发之后 气候產生了重大变化 激烈颶风 森林大火 火山爆发 海水上涨把我们生存的地球带来巨大灾难 如果不再管控 许多国土将会被吞噬

我们今天活着就是胜利 歷史告诉我们 人类始终是会战胜一切大自然的攻击 但是我们必须削弱彼此在政治上的冲突来共同面对难题

今天是新一年的开始 德州大地阳光普照 车场及各大商场超市人头 万人空巷 大家已不在意疫情之猖狂 我们祝愿上天赐福 国泰民安 万事如意。

This Is New Year’s Day

As we say farewell to 2021 and welcome in the new year of 2022, we want to send our sincerest blessings to everyone. May friendships spread out like wings in the rising sun.

The miserable days of the past two years continue to test our endurance to survive in the world and the pattern of global politics has changed significantly.

The challenge we face today is that we have no right to pessimism. We all need to continue to play our roles in our existing positions and continue to make great contributions to society and to the country.

Over the last fifty years the earth has been overexploited by human beings. The climate has changed significantly bringing a new proliferation of hurricanes, forest fires volcanic eruptions and rising water that has brought great disasters to the earth on which we live.

Today is the beginning of another new year. Tens of thousands of people are in the malls, parks and supermarkets and it looks like they all no longer care about the pandemic.

We wish all of you a very safe and happy new year in your future.