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大侠行天下日记 我见我闻我思 01/12

大侠行天下日记 我见我闻我思 01/12

我见 我闻 


走在美国全国各大小城市的餐厅和工厂 大家都掛上了召募员工的告示招牌 这塲新冠疫情之大浪 正在改变了美国人生活和求职之生态

根据劳工部发表之数字 O二一年下半年共有二千万人辞工 这种现象实在令人难予置信 而且目前美国全国之失业率只有百分之三点九 可谓是歷史上最㡳时期

美国婴儿潮一代的职工多半已经退出职场 也正是二千年代出生的一代要上岗就业之时代 尤其是在旅游攴饮观光业工作的年轻人辞职比例最高

根据最新数字 目前需要招募员工之行业中 医护人员缺百分之八 教师人员缺百分之四点四 零售业百分之六 酒店观光业百分之九 包括营造建业也缺三十五万工人

今天我们在面临通货膨胀之压力 济仍然在强劲反弹 而因疫情之持续 网路及缐上办公已经成為常态

在美国整个劳工市场 大部分仍然仰赖新移民及来自墨西哥及中南美洲之新劳动力 我们必须面对新的现实 来解决劳工短缺之问题

Wave Of Great Resignation In America

Walking into restaurants and factories in large or small cities in America today, every place is hanging out the “Employees Wanted” signs. This wave of Covid-19 is really changing our lives.

According to the U.S. Department of Labor, the latest figures for the last six months of 2021 showed that a total of 20 million people have resigned from their jobs. This phenomenon is really unbelievable. Currently our unemployment rate is 3.9 percent. It is at its lowest in recent history.

Most baby boomers are now retired. These days, the generation z young people are getting into the job market. Those young employees who worked in the tourism or restaurants industries and are paid the highest rate are resigning from their jobs. Today there is a shortage of 8% in the medical field, 4.4% teachers, 6% in retail and 350,000 workers are needed in the construction industry.

We have to understand the entire scope of the labor market and look to the new immigrants for labor from Mexico and Central America. We must change our policy to welcome more labor to come to America in order to solve the labor problem.

The Covid -19 pandemic is totally changing our lifestyle. Online and internet offices are now becoming the norm for our future.