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美南广场 / 董事长介绍

大侠行天下日记 我见我闻我思 01/14

大侠行天下日记 我见我闻我思 01/14


居住在达拉斯现年八十三岁的曾祖母芭布拉伊格兰女士目前正在哈佛大学济系苦读 ,希望拿到博士学位 她的故事在全美传為佳话

伊格兰说 「我决定要继续繁忙 否则我觉得无聊 希望走出去接受一些挑战

当疫情持续蔓延期间 她决定一项新挑战 回到哈佛去唸书 他认為那是一间最好最难进去的大学

这位满头白髪的哈佛学生每天固定晚上十点到凌晨二时半埋首读书 目前她都在网上学习

伊格兰女士之向学精神 在各社区激起浪花 我们常言的活到老学到老 年龄只是一个数字罢了

疫情给我们带来太多的苦难和寂寞 尤其是许多孤单无助的年长者 伊格兰女士是最好的榜样 大家要努力把自已动起来

面向阳光 走进阳光 才是活在这个世界上人生之真諦我们要向所有长辈们说声多多保重

Great Grandmom Goes Back To Harvard

83-year--old Dallas great grandmom Barbara Ingram recently went back to school again. She said, “I still want to be able to go out and be challenged. I got bored. And I decided that I needed to do something mentally to stay busy.”                                                             

She decided to take on a new challenge and went back to Harvard University. She said, “It was the best school I could go to and the hardest school I felt I could go to.”

This grandmom started an online course. She had her own routine. She started her studies  at night at 10:00 pm and studied until 2:30 am in the morning. She is taking the course online, but eventually wants to visit the campus.

She says she loves to study so much, but that she feels almost guilty with all of the sadness in the pandemic world.

Ingram says her message to all seniors is that, “Age is just a number.”

Today in this pandemic time we feel so sorry for a lot of people, especially the seniors. We want them to know that you need to act and be active in your life.

Great grandmom Barbara Ingram shows us what she is doing. These days our society needs more positive images to lead us to a better life, both mentally and physically.