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大侠行天下日记 我见我闻我思 01/21

大侠行天下日记 我见我闻我思 01/21

我见 我思 


美国加州称為黄金州 但是一塲在洛杉磯林肯高地集体掠夺火车货柜的画面 已经改变了黄金州之面目 疫情 失业收入不平等及物价上涨及加卅微罪法律之通过 造成了世界第一济大国真的生病了

位於洛杉磯东部社区是美国西岸货运之枢纽 也是联合太平洋铁路公司的一个中心 这个货柜暂停之大型货柜场 已经成為犯伙伴抢劫的温床

当我们看到被成群的暴徒抢走了各种物品之后 地面轨道一片 垃圾遍地真是惨不忍睹

近二年来 由於新冠疫情之袭击 人们遭遇到前所未见之各种挑战 生活和心理上皆受到重创, 事实上 多半的人都是生活在寅吃卯粮之状态 如果失去了工作 只有靠社会救济 否则就会铤而走险 抢刧偷就无处不在

执政刚满週年的拜登政府 正遭受到病毒济和政治之双重压力 在参议院不但共和党全数反对 自己民主党也在跑票 倘若今年十一月期中选举失去眾院多数 必然跛脚无疑

我们呼吁拜登总统必须立即调整施政方针 首要任务仍然是国内民生经济问题 同时更要修正对外关係策略, 如果继续走在上任政府之老路上 世界和平将是遥遥无期

今天我们打开所有的社交或电视媒体 多半皆是负面新闻 许多温馨感人的故事越来越少了 我们真感觉到这个社会真的变了

Our Society Is Really Sick

California is called the Golden State, but the pictures of the Lincoln Heights area of downtown Los Angeles and the thieves who looted the train totally change the image.

Police in this East Los Angeles neighborhood have been aware for months of the thefts in this busy rail hub, but the losses have worsened recently.

The Union Pacific Railroad company issued a statement saying that last year the theft, assault and armed robberies rose 160 percent last year. In the meantime, UPS and FedEx were considering taking their business elsewhere.

Crime is rising in the heavily populated LA Lincoln Heights area. Police staffing levels now strained by the pandemic have made matters worse. People are losing their jobs and there are more homeless numbers now.

Today the current Biden Administration is under both domestic and international pressure. Not only does the Republican Party oppose bills in the Senate, but also its own party is running for votes. If the Democrats lose the majority in the November midterm election, the president will become a lame duck leader.

We call on President Biden to change the current top priority which remains the economic issue. It is also equally important that we need an overall change. Our foreign policy for the world needs to be more peace rather than conflict.