美国新冠疫情日记4/1/2020 挑战疫情三十天

我们呼吁大家遵守疾病控制中心之建议,要勤洗手,保持六呎之距离及留在家中,不要外出之规定 ,川普总统在记者会上警告全国人民,未来两週会是我们最痛苦时刻,专家预测此次疫情如果控制得当,将会有二十万人丧生, 否则后果是不堪设想。
我们呼吁民主和共和两党应该摒弃巳见,為全国目前面对之空前挑战, 未来三十天是重要之关键时刻。
Next 30 Days Critical
President Trump has told the nation that the next 15-30 days will be very critical and painful for us to win the war against the pandemic.
More than 250 million citizens are now staying at home and most businesses are closed.
Nearly 100,000 nurses and doctors have gone to New York City in an attempt to rescue the many patients suffering with the coronavirus who are facing life and death in the country’s largest city.
The CDC advises all people to wash your hands, keep your distance from others and stay home. This is the only way we can stop the spread the virus. From their estimate, at least 100,000 people will lose their lives. If things get out of control, there could be as many as one million deaths.
Last week more than 4 million people applied for unemployment benefits, while most airlines and almost all hotels are closed down.
We are urging both Democrats and Republicans to roll up their sleeves to work together for our nation's future, especially in the next 30 days.