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大侠行天下日记 我见我闻我思 01/26

大侠行天下日记 我见我闻我思 01/26



美南传媒电视台為了欢接数位多媒体时代之来临 除了在传统电视15.3 频道 更结合了Google APPYouTube 微信 头条 抖音等社群媒体全面展开了对观眾读者之服务

正逢农历春节之到来 我们将在元月廿九日星期六上午十时在休士顿美南新闻电视总部大摄影棚第一次举办缐上春节庆祝大会邀请来自德州国际社区的各族裔领袖及艺文团体 包括华裔 越裔 非裔 拉丁裔共同迎接虎年的到来我们除了庆祝农历新年之外 更彰显社区族裔共存共荣之传统 大家共建美好的未来

美南新闻传媒集团近年来和亚马逊合作之出书计划 正在大力推广 我们為许多知名作家和市井小民出版了自己的作品 并且寄存在亚马逊网路上永远留传

我们更计划此次庆祝春节电视网上大会之后 利用我们专业团队及华丽之大㕔 创建「家庭媒体制作计划」走进百姓家庭 透过电视访问 报导专栏 专业摄影 社群媒体 详细记录您生活中的点点滴滴 并且永久保存在媒体云端之中 在人生的旅程中不会留白 美国全国5G 时代已经来临 我们迎接新媒体带来的新契机 譲我们大家共同写下新的歷史篇章

We Are All In The New Media Age

With the arrival of the Year of the Tiger, we are holding the spring festival celebration on new media through our App, YouTube, WeChat, TikTok and other community media to reach around the world.

We have invited many community leaders from the Chinese, Asian, African and Latino communities to join us to welcome the Year of the Tiger. All of us together can build a better community.

Last year we teamed up with Amazon on their platform to publish books for many authors. Now we are planning to organize a professional team to create stories for many people so we can keep them in the cloud for their lifetime records.

The 5G age is here. We all welcome this opportunity to be working in this new media age. Let’s write the new chapter together.