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大侠行天下日记 我见我闻我思 01/28

大侠行天下日记 我见我闻我思 01/28



辛丑年年即将过去 举目又见父亲為我写的挺秀书法 多少寒暑瞬间消失 但是对父母亲之思怀仍是犹新 她们在最艰困时生育了我们六个子女 把我们带到这世界上来

大学二年级 我当年只有十九岁 而能够堂堂进入广播公司新闻部开始我的人生歷程 在跌跌碰碰的生活中 我总是记得父亲的一句话 「儿子 你要争气噢」

那年春节 我拎着一袋从台北南阳街购买的年货 搭上前往中壢忠贞市的客运踏上回家之路 当我走过泥泞満地的小巷 迎来的是家人的亲切与热情的面孔 桌上已经摆満了母亲和家人烹调的云南火锅及家乡菜那夜除夕的夜晚 家人们促膝守夜谈些童年趣事 逃难奔走我睡在家𥚃的木板床上度过了人生难忘的除夕夜

多年来 父亲在书香世家中成长 所写书法自成一家 从年青时就為家乡父老之婚丧喜庆挥豪 也在年青时成為地方领导人物 不幸的是战乱使他们流落他郷 父亲是怀才不遇 年过六旬即撒手人间 那也是我和父亲最后的春节晚餐

数十年过去了 我把父母之训示永记在心 唯有吃得苦中苦 方可成為人上人。今晚我再次仰读父亲的墨宝和他们长眠在华府之墓园照片泪水满襟 有着无限之追思

 The last dinner with my Dad

The Lunar Year of the Ox in coming to an end and we are welcoming the Year of Tiger. I raised my eyes and saw my father’s calligraphy on the wall. I remembered the last spring dinner with my dad.

In my sophomore year of college, I was 19 years old and entered the National Broadcasting Company stage of my life’s journey. I have always remembered what my dad said to me: “Son, you have to fight in your life.”

To celebrate the lunar new year when the spring time came, I bought a lot of food from the City of Taipei when I embarked on the way home. When I walked through the muddy alley and came home I was welcomed by the kind and warm faces of my family. The table was full of Yunnan hot pot and hometown dishes. That night on the eve of the new year my dad talked about his life in his hometown of Yunnan. I slept on the wooded bed at my home and spent the most unforgettable New Year’s Eve in my life.

My dad was born in a scholarly family and he learned calligraphy early in his life. He also was a local politician until the war displaced him. He passed away onlyt in his 60’s. That also was my last dinner with him.

Decades have now passed and I always remember my parent’s words, “Only when you can fight in suffering times, then you can be superior and better than others.”

Today I watched my dad’s calligraphy again with tears. We are so grateful.