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美南广场 / 董事长介绍

大侠行天下日记 我见我闻我思 02/09

大侠行天下日记 我见我闻我思 02/09


出身在美国旧金山十八岁的谷爱凌,在冬运会上从五十米高的空中以完美无的美妙动作翻身完成了她有史以来成功摘冠的心愿, 全㘯一阵掌声和喝彩,她的笑容登上了全球体育版面的头条

这位母亲是中国人和白人父亲结婚的中美混血儿 是位天才少女 三岁开始学滑雪十一岁时就得到全美少年下坡道障碍赛冠军 并以SAT 满分获史丹福大学録取 由于母亲是北京人 她每年都会回到北京自称是在胡同裡长大的孩子

她的单身妈妈把女儿培养成為有自信勇敢活泼的少女 代表了中国在冬奥会上大放异彩 更是為在美出生的华裔塑造了最好的榜样

一些美国媒体对於她弃美投中之行為 还大加指斥 认為她是出生在旧金山的美国人 理应代表美国出赛 但是谷爱凌由于从小在姥姥之关爱下 不但能成為深爱中国的女孩 更选择了為中国出征

我们应该是个族裔的大熔炉 不论你来自何方 对於自己固有之文化传统都应该尊重 我们深感她為在美国出生的华裔子女们上了非常好的一课 她的选择是正确的

The Dream Came True

Eileen Gu, the American-born freeskier representing China in the Winter Olympics, captured gold in freeskiing high in the big air Tuesday morning.

Eileen Gu was born in San Francisco in September of 2003, the child of an American father and a Chinese mother. Raised by her mother and maternal grandmother, she maintained deep connections to China even as she grew up an American.

In 2019 Gu wrote in her Instagram post, “I am proud of my heritage and equally proud of my American upbringings. The opportunity to help inspire millions of young people where my mom was born during the 2022 Beijing Olympic Winter Games is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to help and to promote the sport I love.”

Some major media criticized her abandonment of the U.S., but we have to recognize her background with the Chinese culture.

We have to remember that America is a melting pot. We all come here to adopt this is land as our country, but we should not give up our own heritage.

Eileen Gu represents the new generation of Chinese American in this country. They are very smart, but they should also still be a part of their cultural heritage. This is to be an admirable American.