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大侠行天下日记 我见我闻我思 02/14

大侠行天下日记 我见我闻我思 02/14


在这个疫情蔓延社会不安的时代, 我们目睹多少人在贫穷缐下求生, 许多困苦无助的社会低层民眾, 无家可归 ,社会贫富悬殊不断加大, 社会治安继续败坏 ,不论政客们大开支票 但是社会不公不义之黑暗面 他们是视而不见

我在美国生活了数十年 自己感到对社会之关懐还是非常不足 老实说 宗教团体确实发挥了重要的力量 如果美国这个国家没有宗教之束缚 社会治安之堕落会更加严重

上週末我们有机会再次参加外孙女学校发动的社区福利义捐活动 她们透过自己亲手创作的小礼物及艺术品在集市中出售并筹款做為社会公益之捐款当我们到达现场时 看到她们巧製的书笺 放置在桌面上 并且向顾客们兜售 许多家长们毫不吝於掏钱购买 据说当天的书笺全部卖光 当然其中也有我们的贡献囉

我们更要继续教育下一代的华亚裔年轻一代 作出积极之奉献是责任也是义务

Contribution To Our Community

In order to support and encourage local kids, entrepreneurs at the fun event last weekend participated in the Love Bugs Children’s Business Fair hosted at Holy Cross Lutheran Church.

In the last two years, because of the spread of the pandemic and social unrest, we have witnessed so many people living in poverty and helplessness. The gap between the poor and rich is increasing. No matter how much politicians promise, they turn a blind eye to the dark side of social justice.

We were so glad last weekend that we were able to participate with our granddaughter and her friends. She made a beautiful bookmark and sold it at the fair.

As part of society, we as Asian American citizens need to do more to help the needy people and the less fortunate.

We are so glad that our younger generation fully understands their role in the community.