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美南广场 / 董事长介绍

大侠行天下日记 我见我闻我思 02/16

大侠行天下日记 我见我闻我思 02/16


為了配合今年九月举办的美南环球国际小姐选拔赛, 美南电视摄影棚正在积极改装成為国际电视剧场,以展开国际小姐选拔的初选活动。

国际剧场将设有大型之表演场地及伸展舞臺, 配合大型LED及专业灯光, 并聘请多位专业摄影剪接人员, 现埸直播所有节目。

此次国际小姐选拔, 将分為全球五大洲地区, 其中包括美洲 、亚州、 非洲 、拉丁美州 、中南美洲、 欧州六大州, 将分别由各州代表之团体及商会负责 ,依序在国际电视剧㘯进行初赛, 并请专家指导仪态、 舞蹈表演。

市长特纳和驻在休斯敦的各国外交总领事及大商会及各族裔商会将参加各项筹备工作, 也藉此向全球推广徳州及休斯敦之招商及观光旅游活动。

我们非常兴奋并感谢各界人士之支持, 将美南国际电视剧㘯正式开幕, 為文化艺术之推动尽份心力。


美国德州休斯敦百利大道11122 号


Houston International TV                                                                                                   Theatre Is About To Debut

The STV studio is currently under construction to build the Houston International TV Theatre at the Southern News Group Center. This theatre will use the ITC International Pageant as the audition stage. This mini theatre will be equipped with state-of-the-art lighting, a huge LED screen and professional cameras with editing personnel to technically ensure that the show will be televised and streamed around the world.

The selection of Miss International will be divided into five continents, including Asian, North America, Africa, Latin America, Central and South America and Europe. We are going to let them use the international theatre and let the experts teach them the procedures and dance performance routines.

Houston Mayor Sylvester Turner and diplomats and consul from the Houston area along with local chambers of commerce will all participate in the event.

We are so proud and excited to televise this special event through all the social media outlets to the entire world.

The Theatre Is Located At

Southern News Group World Center

11122 Bellaire Blvd.

Houston, Texas 77072