大侠行天下日记 我见我闻我思 02/17

今天看见同仁们正在忙碌地搭建美南环球剧坊的舞台, 二十四个英呎见方的结实木撴支撑出十六英呎宽二十四英呎长的中型舞台 ,心中激起巨大的火花, 多少年来 我们在异国他郷怀念故国之情怀 ,建造这座精神堡垒向世界展示文化之传承。
美国是个种族之大熔炉, 我们身处的休斯敦国际区居住了来自世界各地的移民, 使用九十多种方言 ,艾黎学区就设有中文和越文教学的国际学校 ,对於发掦和保存我们固有之文化非常重视。
今天我们已经进入五G新时代, 网路传输改变了我们整个生活型态, 今后美南环球剧坊将透过缐上和实体观眾以最美的舞姿 、歌声、 文艺表演 、名人演说、 学朮座谈 向全球观眾传送, 為美南新闻电视传媒集团再一次再创歷史的新篇章。
我们常常和同仁们互相勉励 ,我们的新闻事业是在过去歷经数十年之锤錬打造, 必须在不断求新求变和时代结合之大道上, 才能立於不败之地。
在千变万化的高科技领域中 ,我们也非常庆幸踏上了这班列车, 更深信我们在媒体工作上继续发挥服务人群的神圣责任。
Houston International Theater
Representing Our Diverse Culture
We are continuing to work on building the stage for the International Theater with the sixteen by twenty-four feet wide stage with the state-of-the-art lighting and large LED screen that will make it a beautiful and functional stage.
America is a melting pot of race. We live in the Houston International District where immigrants have come from all over the world using more than 90 different dialects. There are international schools here that are teaching Chinese and Vietnamese in our school district. We try to preserve our culture heritage.
Today we are entering the 5G era. The digital networks are changing our lifestyle. Through the internet, we can send the most beautiful dancing and singing, celebrity speeches and education programs to all the corners of the world. This global international theater will make new history for us.
We often encourage our colleagues with the idea that we need continuous innovation and change to fight for our future and survival.
We are so very fortunate to live in such a high-tech era as a media organization. It is our honor and responsibility to continue to serve our audience and readers.