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美南广场 / 董事长介绍

大侠行天下日记 我见我闻我思 02/19

大侠行天下日记 我见我闻我思 02/19


一百四十三位共和党籍人士将在二週后参加美国眾议员在德州之初选 其中只有十三个候选人认為二〇二〇年之总统大选是合法的 换言之 他们绝大多数人都认為拜登之当选是非法的

这项民调显示了共和党人目前仍然对川普之失败怀恨在心 更有许多川粉透过和他的支持共和党在二O二四重返执政

长久以来 徳州一直是共和党的天下 除了大城市市长是民主党之外 走遍全州大小城镇 至今还有川普之竞赛选大旗 一些车辆仍然贴有川普当选之标誌 这些城镇更是不戴口罩 公然和中央政府对抗 他们似乎是生活在另外一个世界中

老实说 德州在共和党州长艾伯特之主政下 非常积极招商 由於没有个人州税 加上能源土地及地理劳工之优势 许多世界知名之大公司纷纷迁入 共和党主张的政见是比较适合於企业之生存发展

称為民主老大的美国 还有许多人不承认大选之结果 也没有任何确凿证据证明总统大选舞弊 这也真是对民主政治最大的讽刺和笑话

我曾経听过很多徳州佬们都愿意脱离联邦独立成一个国家 事实上他们和联邦中央政府真的是同床异梦了

Texas Is Trump’s Land

One hundred and forty-three Republicans will participate in the House Of  Representatives Texas primary election in the coming weeks. According to a survey, only thirteen of them think that the 2020 presidential election was legal. In other words, the  majority of them think Biden’s presidency is illegal.

In the last several years, Republicans have held the political power in Texas. Democrats only hold the mayor positions in three big cities. When you travel to the rural areas of the state, there are still many Trump flags and stickers all over the cities. Most of them don’t believe in wearing masks. They seem to live in another world.

To be honest, Texas has been very active in attracting investments under Republican Governor Gregg Abbott. Due to lower taxes and the advantages of being the land of big energy as well as its geographical location with a readily available labor force, many large and world-renowned companies are moving to Texas. Many of them believe that business has more and better opportunities in Texas.

We hear a lot of “jokes” about many people who really want Texas to be an independent nation.